首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Photocatalysis >Visible Light Driven Degradation of Terephthalic Acid: Optimization of Energy Demand by Light Modulation Techniques

Visible Light Driven Degradation of Terephthalic Acid: Optimization of Energy Demand by Light Modulation Techniques


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Aims: The aim of this work was to investigate the impact of light modulation parameters on the degradation of terephthalic acid, an organic model pollutant, within a heterogeneous photocatalytic system under visible light. For this purpose, a fixed bed photocatalytic reactor, irradiated by white-light LEDs matrix controlled by a system for light dimming, was used. The bed consisted of a nitrogen-doped titania photocatalyst deposited on polystyrene pellets. Background: Wastewater containing TPA can be treated into conventional aerobic biological units. However, the mineralization of TPA is slow and inefficient and its presence negatively influences the biodegradation efficiency because this pollutant inhibits microbial growth. Nowadays, innovative technologies named advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as heterogeneous photocatalysis with UV and visible light, ozonation, and Fenton oxidation, have gained popularity for effective organic destruction of TPA from wastewater. The heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation process of the TPA under visible light is the most advantageous process in terms of both fixed and operating costs. Objective: In this work, the successful application of light modulation techniques for degradation of TPA using a photocatalytic system with supported visible active photocatalysts (N-doped TiO2) immobilized on polystyrene pellets is reported. In particular, sinusoidal lighting has been used analyzing the influence of the period of oscillation and the amplitude of light modulation on the reaction kinetics, in such a way as to minimize the times and energy costs for the process. Methods: To evaluate the influence of light modulation on the efficiency of the TPA removal, a discontinuous system composed of a Recirculating Photocatalytic Fixed Bed Reactor (RPFBR) irradiated by a matrix of white light LEDs was used. The flat geometry of the photoreactor guarantees the efficient excitation of the photocatalyst. An amount of 250 mL of aqueous solution with the initial TPA concentration of 12.5 ppm was applied in the photocatalytic tests lasting 180 min of irradiation fixed or sinusoidal modulated. Results: The results show that the variation of the oscillation period of the sinusoidal modulation has a pertinent influence on the photodegradation of TPA and a maximum value of the apparent kinetic constant, 0.0045 min-1 is found when the period of oscillation is 0.24 s. The sinusoidal modulation with optimal amplitude occurs with current between 50-200 mA, that shows the highest value of the apparent kinetic constant equal to 0.0046 min-1. The optimal sinusoidal modulation, as a consequence is with current between 50-200 mA and period of 0.24 s. From the data collected from the tests, it is possible to evaluate the energy cost necessary to obtain the reduction of 90% of the terephthalic acid in 1 m3 of polluted water for each modulation (E E/O), and compare these values with other tests for TPA degradation reported in the literature. The internal comparison with the three systems of literature shows that the optima sinusoidal modulation of LEDs matrix permits a strong reduction in the electrical energy consumption. Conclusion: Photocatalytic tests have demonstrated the improvement of the process energy efficiency using the light modulation technique. A further confirmation of the advantage of light modulation was obtained by comparing the energy costs required for the abatement of 90% of the terephthalic acid in 1m 3 of the photocatalytic system. Finally, a mathematical model for photocatalytic degradation of terephthalic acid within the recirculating fixed bed photocatalytic reactor, irradiated by white-light LEDs was developed.
机译:目的:这项研究的目的是调查光调制参数的影响降解对苯二甲酸的,有机的在异构模型污染物光催化体系下可见光。这个目的,一个固定床光催化反应器,辐照的白光led矩阵控制光线变暗,由系统使用。由一个nitrogen-doped二氧化钛光催化剂对聚苯乙烯颗粒沉积。背景:废水含TPA到传统的有氧生物治疗单位。和低效及其存在消极因为影响降解效率这种污染物抑制微生物的生长。如今,创新技术先进氧化过程(aop),如异构光催化与紫外线和可见光,臭氧化和芬顿氧化,获得了人气为有效有机的破坏TPA废水。TPA的光催化氧化过程可见光是最有利的过程固定和运营成本。目的:在这部作品中,成功光调制技术的应用使用光催化系统退化TPA与支持可见活跃的催化剂(n型二氧化钛)固定在聚苯乙烯小球据报道。用于分析的影响振荡周期和振幅的光调制的反应动力学,在这样一个方式的时间和能源成本降到最低这个过程。光的调制TPA的效率删除,不连续系统组成的再循环光催化固定床反应器一个矩阵(RPFBR)辐照的白光使用发光二极管。photoreactor保证了有效的激励的光催化剂。水溶液与初始TPA应用于浓度为12.5 ppm光催化测试持续180分钟辐照固定或正弦调制。结果:结果表明,变异的正弦的振荡周期调制相关的影响光降解TPA和最大的价值表观动力学常数,0.0045最低为1发现,当振荡周期是0.24秒。最佳的正弦调制振幅马与当前发生在50 - 200之间,显示动能的最高价值明显常数等于0.0046最低为1。正弦调制,作为一个后果当前在50 - 200 mA和段0.24秒。从收集到的数据测试,它是可以评估所需的能量消耗对酞获得90%的减少酸在1立方米的污水调制(E E / O),并比较这些值其他测试TPA退化报道文学。三个系统的文献表明,最佳状态正弦调制的led矩阵允许强大的电能减少消费。已经证明的改善过程使用光调制能源效率技术。光调制的优点是获得的比较所需的能源成本减少90%的对苯二甲酸1米3光催化系统。光催化降解的数学模型对苯二甲酸的再循环固定床光催化反应器,辐照白光led。



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