首页> 外文期刊>ECS transactions >Radicals in Fuel Cell Membranes: Mechanisms of Formation and Ionomer Attack

Radicals in Fuel Cell Membranes: Mechanisms of Formation and Ionomer Attack


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Radical intermediates formed during polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) operation cause degradation of the proton exchange membrane. Generation and decay of the radicals HO · , H · , and HOO · in the membrane was simulated based on a kinetic framework with H2O2 as precursor. The degradation of the PFSA membrane was assumed to proceed via end-group attack. Two chemical environments were considered, a fuel cell test and an ex situ Fenton test. It was found that the reaction pathways and corresponding radical concentrations differ considerably. In particular, no H · is formed in a Fenton test due to the absence of H2. The influence of the concentration of Fe-ion impurities and end-groups on the radical concentration and rate of ionomer attack was studied. The calculated fluoride emission rate shows fairly good agreement with experimental results reported in the literature.



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  • 专利
  • 1. Bi-cathode fuel cell [P] . 外国专利: FR3107786A1 . 2021-09-03

    机译:BI-cathode fuel cell



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