首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Bone marrow as a site for pancreatic islet transplantation.

Bone marrow as a site for pancreatic islet transplantation.


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We read with great interest the study by Cantarelli et al in which the authors definitively demonstrated the ability to cure streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice by transplanting islet isografts into the bone marrow (BM) cavity of the femur. We agree with the authors that this site has many potential technical advantages over the traditional intraportal site.2 However, we have 2 queries for the authors. First, the full justification for use of this site is not articulated, and we would ask the authors to elaborate on their theoretical rationale for this implantation site. Our own work in this area was explicitly designed to investigate the BM as a potential site for grafts of nonhematopoietic tissue and was based upon an immunologic theory proposing that the BM maintains a proportion of suppressive clones to facilitate the avoidance of autoimmunity. Indeed, our results suggest that the BM does impart some degree of immunologic privilege as a transplantation site, based upon histologic demonstration of intact insulin- and glucagon-positive islet allografts within the marrow cavity of the rat 3 weeks after transplantation without evidence of islet allograft rejection and without immunosuppression. Using similar protocols, rat islet allografts transplanted at other sites (portal vein, kidney capsule) are uniformly rejected, functionally and histologically, in less than a week. Second, we would ask the authors to elaborate further on their methods used for the implantation process. Their method is identical to that described in our previous work, except for the use of the marrow cavity of the mouse femur in their work versus the rat tibia as we described. In our studies, there was a concern regarding leakage of part of the islet "plug" from the marrow cavity, which can prevent the achievement of an adequate graft volume. For this reason, we chose to use histology to demonstrate proof of principle that islets could be successfully transplanted and engraft within the bone marrow site. Did the authors add any measures beyond the methods from our original paper to prevent leakage of the implanted cells? It is likely that drilling upward from the knee into the distal femur of a mouse would result in some leakage, as did drilling downward from the knee into the proximal tibia of a rat. Regardless, we have found that the procedure is technically much easier in larger animals with a larger bone and marrow cavity, and we have used this technique to successfully transplant neonatal pig islet cells into the intramedullary bone marrow of the pig tibia. The findings of both Cantarelli et al and ourselves support further work examining the utility of the BM as a site for transplantation, with an enormous potential for further research and clinical application.
机译:我们非常感兴趣地阅读Cantarelli等人的研究,其中作者明确证明了通过将胰岛同种异体移植到股骨的骨髓(BM)腔内来治愈小鼠链脲佐菌素诱导的糖尿病的能力。我们同意作者的观点,与传统的门户网站相比,该网站具有许多潜在的技术优势。2但是,我们有两个针对作者的查询。首先,没有阐明使用该部位的充分理由,我们将要求作者详细说明他们对该植入部位的理论依据。我们在这一领域的工作被明确设计为研究BM作为非造血组织移植物的潜在位点,并且基于一种免疫学理论,提出BM保持一定比例的抑制性克隆以促进自身免疫的避免。确实,我们的研究结果表明,根据移植后3周大鼠骨髓腔中完整的胰岛素和胰高血糖素阳性胰岛同种异体移植的组织学证明,BM确实具有一定程度的免疫特权作为移植位点,而没有胰岛同种异体移植的证据排斥反应且无免疫抑制作用。使用类似的方案,在不到一周的时间内,从功能和组织学上均一致排斥在其他部位(门静脉,肾囊)移植的大鼠胰岛同种异体移植物。其次,我们将要求作者进一步详细介绍他们用于植入过程的方法。他们的方法与我们以前的工作中所描述的方法相同,除了在他们的工作中使用老鼠股骨的骨髓腔相对于我们描述的大鼠胫骨外。在我们的研究中,有人担心胰岛“塞子”的一部分从骨髓腔漏出,这会阻止获得足够的移植物体积。因此,我们选择使用组织学来证明胰岛可以成功移植并植入骨髓部位的原理证明。在我们原始论文的方法之外,作者是否添加了其他措施来防止植入的细胞泄漏?从膝盖向上钻入老鼠的股骨远端很可能会导致一些渗漏,就像从膝盖向下钻入大鼠的胫骨近端一样。无论如何,我们发现该技术在具有较大骨骼和骨髓腔的较大动物中从技术上来说要容易得多,并且我们已使用该技术成功地将新生猪胰岛细胞移植到了胫骨的髓内骨髓中。 Cantarelli等人和我们自己的发现都支持进一步研究,以检验BM作为移植部位的实用性,具有进一步研究和临床应用的巨大潜力。



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