首页> 外文期刊>Clinical advances in hematology & oncology: H&O >A Phase III Randomized Trial of Anastrozoie Versus Anastrozole and Fuivestrant as First-Line Therapy.for.. . Postmenopausal Women With'Metastatic Breast Cancer: SWOG S0226

A Phase III Randomized Trial of Anastrozoie Versus Anastrozole and Fuivestrant as First-Line Therapy.for.. . Postmenopausal Women With'Metastatic Breast Cancer: SWOG S0226

机译:Anastrozoie与III期随机试验阿那曲唑和Fuivestrant作为一线Therapy.for . .。'Metastatic乳腺癌:SWOG S0226

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Because anastrozole lowers estrogen levels and fuivestrant decreases expression of the estrogen receptor, combining these 2 agents could yield additive activity in postmenopausal breast cancer. Fuivestrant showed high activity in a low-estrogen in vivo model of human breast cancer, and the combination of anastrozole and fuivestrant decreased the expression of several resistant proteins in an in vivo model. The phase III S0226 trial was undertaken to compare the efficacy and toler-ability of anastrozole plus fuivestrant versus anastrozole alone.3 Mehta and colleagues presented results of this trial. Eligible patients were postmenopausal women with meta-static breast cancer that was either measurable or nonmeasurable and was hormone receptor-positive.




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