首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Local and landscape factors in differently managed arable fields affect the insect herbivore community of a non-crop plant species

Local and landscape factors in differently managed arable fields affect the insect herbivore community of a non-crop plant species


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1. The expansion of simplified ecosystems such as intensively managed annual crops plays a big part in driving the global biodiversity crisis. Field-scale diversification, for example leaving weeds to grow in crops, is one way in which diversity in agro-ecosystems can be restored. However, little is known about the determinants of the non-crop plant-based insect communities within arable fields at local and larger spatial scales, an essential component in extrapolating plant diversity benefits to higher trophic levels. 2. We investigated how diversification of agro-ecosystems at the field and landscape levels affects the insect community of the creeping thistle Cirsium arvense. Artificial plots of the host-plant were established in three regions of Germany in 48 paired organic (diverse, weeds not controlled with herbicides) and conventional (simplified, very low weed density and species richness) wheat fields across a gradient of landscape heterogeneity, from simple arable-dominated to heterogeneous, diverse landscapes. 3. Leaf-feeding herbivores were monitored directly, while stem-boring herbivores and their parasitoids were quantified by dissecting the stems of the thistles. Land-use types and naturally occurring thistle stands were mapped within a radius of 1 km around each thistle plot. 4. Herbivore species richness was enhanced by both organic farming and landscape heterogeneity but not by higher densities of thistles in the landscape. For most of the species, host-plant plots in organic fields were more likely to be colonized than those in the conventional fields. The enhancement of diversity in organic fields is probably the result of a slightly higher natural cover of the host-plant Cirsium arvense. 5. Synthesis and applications. Both diversification of landscape (fewer arable crops, more perennial habitats) and extensification through organic management are effective measures of enhancing arthropod diversity on weeds. The impact of field-scale agri-environment schemes on biodiversity should be supplemented by including landscape-scale diversification programmes to include a minimum level of perennial habitat cover. Biodiversity benefits of organic agriculture rely for a large part on non-crop plants. Weed populations should be allowed to coexist with the crop to maintain these benefits, which are threatened by more intensive 'organic' management, such as heavy mechanical weed control.
机译:1. 集中管理年度作物方面扮演了重要角色在推动全球生物多样性危机。油田规模多元化,例如离开杂草生长的作物,是方法之一可以恢复农业生态系统的多样性。然而,人们很少知道决定因素水的植物昆虫社区在耕地字段在当地和更大的空间推断尺度,一个重要的组成部分植物多样性利益更高的营养的水平。农业生态系统的领域和景观水平影响爬行的昆虫社区蓟Cirsium arvense。宿主在三个地区建立了德国在48有机(多样化,杂草不配对除草剂)和常规控制(简化,非常低的杂草密度和物种丰富)在一个梯度的麦田景观异质性,从简单的arable-dominated异构,多样化风景。直接监控,同时stem-boring食草动物和拟寄生物被量化解剖茎蒺藜。类型和天然蓟看台上映射在一个半径1公里左右蓟阴谋。加强有机农业和景观异构性,但不是通过更高的密度蓟的景观。宿主物种,情节有机领域更有可能比那些殖民传统的领域。在有机领域可能的结果略高的自然宿主的封面的Cirsium arvense。多样化的景观(更少的耕地作物,常年栖息地)和更多通过有机管理扩大化有效的措施提高节肢动物在杂草多样性。农耕环境规划把部分耕地退还作生物多样性辅之以包括景观尺度多元化的项目包括一个最小值常年的栖息地。有机农业的好处对于一个大的依赖部分水的植物。被允许与作物保持共存这些好处,受到更多的威胁密集的“有机”管理,如重机械除草。



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