首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Post-clearing recovery of coastal dunes invaded by Acacia longifolia: Is duration of invasion relevant for management success?

Post-clearing recovery of coastal dunes invaded by Acacia longifolia: Is duration of invasion relevant for management success?


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Invasive plants destroy the structure and function of many ecosystems but removal is expensive, so the likelihood of success should be assessed before a major control programme commences. Trial clearings can clarify how best to design and perform broad-scale clearing programmes. Such trials need to consider the range of conditions that might affect the outcome of control operations, not least the duration of invasion before clearing commences, a parameter that has rarely been considered previously. The recovery of plant communities was monitored over 6years in a Portuguese coastal dune system after the removal of invasive Acacia longifolia plants, together with the underlying litter in half of the cleared areas but not in the remainder. Areas that had been invaded for >20years (long-invaded) as opposed to <7years (recently invaded) were compared. After the removal of A. longifolia, recently invaded areas had more exotic plant species but also higher native species richness, plant cover, initial diversity and species turnover rates than long-invaded areas. Generalist native species were initially very abundant in cleared areas but progressively gave way to species more typical of dunes. Six years after clearing, many species that usually occur on dunes were still missing. Therophytes were the most abundant life form immediately after clearing, but nanophanerophytes, chamaephytes and A. longifolia increased with time. Seedlings of A. longifolia were most abundant in long-invaded areas, but litter removal along with plants promoted increased plant species richness and cover and decreased susceptibility to reinvasion. Synthesis and applications. A number of variables can affect the outcome of clearing invasive plant species. For A. longifolia on Portuguese dunes, recently invaded areas should be prioritized and thick litter layers should be removed along with the invader. Even so, recovery of native flora was not complete in this study, and other management actions are needed to supplement clearing operations, for example propagation of native species or prescribed fires to deplete the invasive species seed bank. Although complete restoration of the ecosystem will almost always be impossible, it should be possible in the long term to create an ecosystem with a structure and function that resembles the original habitat.
机译:入侵植物破坏结构和功能许多生态系统,但切除是昂贵的,所以成功的可能性应该评估主要控制项目开始之前。空地可以澄清如何设计和执行大规模清理项目。试验需要考虑条件的范围可能影响结果的控制操作,尤其是入侵的持续时间清算开始之前,一个参数以前很少被认为是。植物群落的监控超过6年葡萄牙海岸沙丘系统后清除入侵相思叶植物,底层的垃圾一起的一半清除区域而不是其余。被入侵> 20年(long-invaded)而不是< 7年(最近入侵)比较。最近有更多的外来植物入侵区域物种但原生物种丰富度也更高,植物覆盖,最初的多样性和物种周转率比long-invaded地区。通才本地物种最初非常但是逐渐丰富了区域物种更典型的沙丘。通常发生清算后,许多物种沙丘是失踪。后立即最丰富的生命形式清算,但矮高位芽植物,地上芽植物和答:叶随时间增加。答:在long-invaded叶是最丰富的领域,但随着植物垃圾清除促进植物物种丰富度和增加封面和降低易感性再扰。合成和应用程序。入侵植物会影响结算的结果吗物种。最近入侵地区应优先和厚砂层应该删除入侵者。没有完成这个研究和其他管理行为是需要补充清算业务,例如传播本地物种或规定的火灾耗尽入侵物种种子银行。恢复生态系统几乎总是是不可能的,应该有可能在长项创建一个结构和生态系统函数,就像原来的栖息地。




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