首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Interactive effects of grazing and global change factors on soil and ecosystem respiration in grassland ecosystems: A global synthesis

Interactive effects of grazing and global change factors on soil and ecosystem respiration in grassland ecosystems: A global synthesis


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1. As the key carbon (C) fluxes between biosphere and atmosphere, soil respiration (R_s) and ecosystem respiration (R_e) play vital roles in regulating global C balance and climate-biosphere feedback in the Earth system. Despite the fact that numerous manipulative studies and a few meta-analyses have been conducted to examine the responses of R_s and its components (i.e. autotrophic [R_a] and heterotrophic respiration [R_h]) as well as R_e to grazing (G) or global change factors, the interactive effects between grazing and global change factors remain poorly understood. 2. Here, we performed a comprehensive meta-analysis of manipulative experiments with both grazing and global change factors to quantify their individual and interactive effects on R_s and its components as well as R_e. 3. Our results showed that grazing and drought significantly decreased R_s by 12.35% and 20.95%, respectively, whereas warming (W), nitrogen addition (N) and increased precipitation (P) stimulated it by 2.12%, 5.49% and 13.44%, respectively. Similarly, grazing, warming, nitrogen addition and increased precipitation increased R_e by 7.21%, 4.94%, 48.45% and 21.57%, respectively, while drought decreased it by 16.86%. However, the combinations of grazing with warming (GW), nitrogen addition (GN) and increased precipitation (GP) exhibited non-significant effects on R_s. More importantly, additive interactions between grazing and global change factors exhibited a substantial predominance on R_s, R_a, R_h and R_e rather than synergistic and antagonistic ones. 4. Synthesis and applications. Our findings highlight the crucial importance of the interactive effects between grazing and global change factors on soil respiration (R_s) and ecosystem respiration (R_e). Therefore, incorporating this key influence on ecosystem processes into Earth system models (ESMs) could better improve the prediction of climate-biosphere feedbacks and develop sustainable strategies for grassland management in the An
机译:1. 和大气,土壤呼吸(R_s)和生态系统呼吸(R_e)中扮演至关重要的角色调节全球C平衡和climate-biosphere在地球系统的反馈。众多的研究和一些荟萃分析进行检查(即反应R_s及其组件。自养(R_a)和异养呼吸[R_h])以及R_e放牧(G)或全球变化因素,之间的互动效应放牧和全球变化因素仍然不佳理解。荟萃分析的实验放牧和全球变化因素量化个人和互动效果以及R_e R_s及其组件。结果表明,放牧和干旱显著降低R_s 12.35%和20.95%,分别,而气候变暖(W)、氮(N)和降水增加(P)刺激了2.12%、5.49%和13.44%,分别。氮添加和降水增加R_e增加了7.21%、4.94%、48.45%和21.57%,分别,而干旱降低它16.86%。气候变暖(GW),氮(GN)和增加降水(GP)展出对R_s非重大的影响。添加剂放牧和全球之间的相互作用表现出很大变化因素优势在R_s、R_a R_h R_e而不是协同和拮抗的。和应用程序。至关重要的互动效果放牧和全球变化因素对土壤之间呼吸(R_s)和生态系统呼吸(R_e)。影响到地球生态系统过程系统模型(esm)可以更好的改善climate-biosphere反馈和预测发展草地可持续发展的策略管理一个



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