首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Large-scale manipulation of the acoustic environment can alter the abundance of breeding birds: Evidence from a phantom natural gas field

Large-scale manipulation of the acoustic environment can alter the abundance of breeding birds: Evidence from a phantom natural gas field


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1. Altered animal distributions are a consequence of human expansion and development. Anthropogenic noise can be an important predictor of abundance declines near human infrastructure, yet more information is needed to understand noise impacts at the spatial and temporal scales necessary to alter populations. 2. Energy development and associated anthropogenic noise are globally pervasive, and expanding. For example, 600,000 new natural gas wells have been drilled across central North America in less than 20 years. 3. We experimentally broadcast energy sector noise (recordings of compressor engines) in Southwest Idaho (USA). We placed arrays of speakers creating a ‘phantom natural gas field' in a large-scale experiment and tested the effects of noise alone on breeding songbird abundance. To examine variation in human-caused noise, we broadcast two types of compressor noise, one with a slightly higher sound intensity and greater bandwidth than the other. 4. Our phantom natural gas field encompassed approximately 100 km~2. We broadcast noise over three continuous months, for each of two seasons, and quantified over 20,000 hr of background sound levels. 5. Brewer's sparrows (Spizella breweri) were affected by our narrowband playback, declining 30%, 50 m from the speaker arrays. During our broadband playback, all species combined and Brewer's sparrows decreased 20% and 33%, respectively, at the scale of our sites (~0.5 km~2; up to 400 m from speaker arrays). 6. Synthesis and applications. Our results show the importance of incorporating the acoustic structure of noise when estimating the cost of noise exposure for populations. We suggest an urgent need for noise mitigation, such as quieting compressor stations, in energy extraction fields and other sources in natural areas broadly.
机译:1. 人类的扩张和发展。噪音可以丰富的一个重要征兆下降接近人类的基础设施、更多信息需要了解噪声的影响所需的空间和时间尺度改变人口。全球人为噪声有关普及和扩大。新的天然气水井北美中部在不到20年。我们实验广播能源部门噪音压缩机引擎(录音)西南部爱达荷州(美国)。创建一个“幽灵天然气田”大规模的实验和测试的影响噪音独自繁殖songbird丰富。我们检查人为噪声的变化,广播两种类型的压缩机噪音,有略高强度和更大的声音带宽比另一个。~ 2气田包含大约100公里。广播噪音超过连续三个月每两个赛季,量化超过20000人力资源的背景噪音。麻雀(Spizella breweri)是受我们的影响窄带回放,下降30%,50米的扬声器阵列。所有物种组合和啤酒的麻雀分别下降了20%和33%,规模我们的网站(~ 2 ~ 0.5公里;数组)。结果表明融合的重要性声学结构噪声的估计噪声暴露对人群的成本。表明迫切需要噪音缓解消声压缩机站,在能量提取字段和其他来源的自然广泛的领域。




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