首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Crop pollination management needs flower-visitor monitoring and target values

Crop pollination management needs flower-visitor monitoring and target values


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1. Despite the crucial importance of biotic pollination for many crops, land managers rarely monitor the levels of crop pollination needed to guide farming decisions. 2. The few existing pollination recommendations focus on a particular number of honeybee or bumblebee hives per crop area, but these guidelines do not accurately predict the actual pollination services that crops receive. 3. We argue that pollination management for pollinator-dependent crops should be based on direct measures of pollinator activity. We describe a protocol to quickly perform such a task by monitoring flower visitation rates. 4. We provide target values of visitation rates for crop yield maximization for several important crops by considering the number of visits per flower needed to ensure full ovule fertilization. If visitation rates are well below or above these target values, corrective measures should be taken. 5. Detailed additional data on visitation rates for different species, morpho-species, or groups of species and/or flower-visitor richness can improve pollination estimates. 6. Synthesis and applications. We present target values of visitation rates for some globally important pollinator-dependent crops and provide guidance on why monitoring the number and diversity of pollinators is important, and how this information can be used for decision-making. The implementation of flower monitoring programmes will improve management in many aspects, including enhanced quality and quantity of crop yield and a more limited spillover of managed (often exotic) pollinators from crop areas into native habitats, reducing their many potential negative impacts.
机译:1. 许多农作物授粉,土地管理者很少监测作物授粉需要的水平指导农业决策。集中在一个特定的授粉建议蜜蜂或大黄蜂蜂巢/作物区域,但这些指导方针不准确预测实际的授粉服务作物。管理应该pollinator-dependent作物基于传粉者的直接措施活动。执行这样的任务通过监测花探视。探视利率为作物产量最大化通过考虑几个重要的作物每花的访问需要确保完整的胚珠受精。以上这些目标的价值观,纠正措施应采取。探视率不同的物种,morpho-species或物种和/或组flower-visitor丰富可以提高授粉估计。目前探视率目标值一些全球重要pollinator-dependent作物和为什么监测提供指导传粉者的数量和多样性是很重要的,和如何使用这些信息决策。监测项目将改善管理许多方面,包括质量和增强数量的作物产量和更有限溢出的管理(通常是外来的)传粉者从作物地区原生栖息地减少他们的许多潜在的负面影响。



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