首页> 外文期刊>Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine >Determination of chromium and trace elements in El-Rubshi chromite from Eastern Desert, Egypt by neutron activation analysis.

Determination of chromium and trace elements in El-Rubshi chromite from Eastern Desert, Egypt by neutron activation analysis.


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Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is one of the most powerful analytical techniques for multielement determination of rocks. In the present work NAA and HPGe detector gamma-spectroscopy was used to determine chromium and 15 minor and trace elements qualitatively and quantitatively from chromite rock samples collected from El-Robshi area in the Eastern Desert, Egypt. The samples were properly prepared together with their standards and simultaneously irradiated by thermal neutrons at the TRIGA Mainz research reactor. Short time irradiation (1-5min) was used to determine Mg, Ti and Mn. Long time irradiation (6h) was used to determine Na, Ga, As, La, Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Zn, Zr, Ce, Ce, Yb, Lu, Hf and Ta. In El-Robshi chromite comprises 18 sites, more than 100 lenses of massive chromite, more than 2700 tons averaging 44% Cr(2)O(3) and the average of (51)Cr 40.2%.
机译:中子活化分析(NAA)是用于岩石多元素测定的最强大的分析技术之一。在本工作中,NAA和HPGe检测器伽马光谱用于定性和定量地从埃及东部沙漠的El-Robshi地区收集的铬铁矿岩石样品中测定铬和15种微量和痕量元素。样品已与标准品一起正确制备,并同时由TRIGA Mainz研究堆的热中子辐照。短时间照射(1-5分钟)用于测定Mg,Ti和Mn。长时间照射(6h)用于测定Na,Ga,As,La,Sc,Cr,Fe,Co,Zn,Zr,Ce,Ce,Yb,Lu,Hf和Ta。在El-Robshi中,铬铁矿包括18个站点,100多个块状铬铁矿,2700多吨,平均含44%Cr(2)O(3)和平均(51)Cr 40.2%。



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