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Resilience, syndemic factors, and serosorting behaviors among HIV-positive and HIV-negative substance-using MSM


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Serosorting is commonly employed by MSM to reduce HIV risk. We hypothesize that MSM perceive serosorting to be effective, and that serosorting is predicted by resilience and inversely related to syndemic characteristics. Surveys included 504 substance-using MSM. Logistic regression models examined syndemic and resilience predictors of serosorting, separately by serostatus. For HIV-positive men, positive coping behaviors (P =.015) and coping self-efficacy (P =.014) predicted higher odds, and cognitive escape behaviors (P =.003) lower odds, of serosorting. For HIVnegative men, social engagement (P =.03) and coping self-efficacy (P =.01) predicted higher odds, and severe mental distress (P =.001), victimization history (P =.007) and cognitive escape behaviors (P =.006) lower odds, of serosorting. HIV-negative serosorters reported lower perceptions of risk for infection than non-serosorters (P <.000). Although high risk HIV-negative men may perceive serosorting to be effective, their high rates of UAI and partner change render this an ineffective risk reduction approach. Relevant public health messages are urgently needed.
机译:Serosorting通常受雇于男男同性恋者减少艾滋病毒的风险。serosorting有效,serosorting预测的适应力和逆相关吗共疫特征。吸毒的男男同性恋者。检查共疫和弹性的预测因素serostatus serosorting,分别。hiv阳性的人,积极的因应行为(P= .015)和应对自我效能(P = .014)预测更高的可能性,和认知逃跑行为(P = .003)较低的几率,serosorting。HIVnegative男性,社会交往(P = 0。)和应对自我效能(P = . 01)预测更高的几率,精神痛苦和严重(P=措施),受害(P = .007)和历史认知逃逸行为(P = .006)几率更低,serosorting。降低感染的风险感知non-serosorters (P <组织)。艾滋病毒阴性男人可能认为serosorting高效、高可用和伙伴变化呈现这种无效的风险减少的方法。迫切需要。



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