首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Human C/EBP-epsilon activator and repressor isoforms differentially reprogram myeloid lineage commitment and differentiation.

Human C/EBP-epsilon activator and repressor isoforms differentially reprogram myeloid lineage commitment and differentiation.

机译:人类C /EBP-ε激活剂和阻遏物同工型差异性重编程髓系沿袭承诺和分化。

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CCAAT enhancer-binding protein-epsilon (C/EBP-epsilon) is required for the terminal differentiation of neutrophils and eosinophils. Human C/EBP-epsilon is expressed as 4 isoforms (32, 30, 27, and 14 kDa) through differential RNA splicing, and alternative promoters and translational start sites. The C/EBP-epsilon(32/30) isoforms are transcriptional activators, whereas C/EBP-epsilon(27) interacts with and represses GATA-1 transactivation of eosinophil promoters. C/EBP-epsilon(14) contains only DNA-binding and -dimerization domains and may function as a dominant-negative regulator. To define functional activities for these C/EBP-epsilon isoforms in myelopoiesis, human CD34(+) progenitors were transduced with internal ribosomal entry site-enhanced green fluorescent protein retroviral vectors encoding the 32/30, 27, and 14-kDa isoforms, purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorter, and analyzed in colony-forming assays and suspension cultures. Progenitors transduced with C/EBP-epsilon(32/30) default exclusively to eosinophil differentiation and gene expression, independent of interleukin-5, and regardless of inclusion of cytokines to induce other lineages. In contrast, the putative repressor C/EBP-epsilon(27) isoform strongly inhibits eosinophil differentiation and gene expression, including GATA-1, promoting granulocyte (neutrophil)-macrophage differen-tiation. The C/EBP-epsilon(14) repressor isoform strongly inhibits eosinophil development and gene expression, promoting erythroid differentiation, an effect enhanced by erythropoietin. Thus, C/EBP-epsilon isoforms can reprogram myeloid lineage commitment and differentiation consistent with their predicted activities based on activator and repressor domains and in vitro functional activities.
机译:CCAAT增强子结合蛋白ε(C /EBP-ε)是嗜中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞终末分化所必需的。通过差异RNA剪接,替代启动子和翻译起始位点,人类C /EBP-ε被表达为4种同工型(32、30、27和14 kDa)。 C / EBP-epsilon(32/30)亚型是转录激活因子,而C / EBP-epsilon(27)与嗜酸性粒细胞启动子相互作用并抑制GATA-1反式激活。 C / EBP-epsilon(14)仅包含DNA结合和-二聚结构域,并可能起显性负调节剂的作用。为了定义这些C /EBP-ε亚型在骨髓生成中的功能活性,用编码32 / 30、27和14-kDa亚型的内部核糖体进入位点增强的绿色荧光蛋白逆转录病毒载体转导了人类CD34(+)祖细胞,通过荧光激活细胞分选仪,并在菌落形成试验和悬浮培养中进行分析。用C / EBP-epsilon(32/30)转导的祖细胞默认仅嗜酸性粒细胞分化和基因表达,独立于白介素5,并且不考虑细胞因子是否诱导其他谱系。相比之下,推定的阻遏物C / EBP-epsilon(27)异构体强烈抑制嗜酸性粒细胞的分化和基因表达,包括GATA-1,促进粒细胞(嗜中性粒细胞)-巨噬细胞的分化。 C / EBP-epsilon(14)阻遏物亚型强烈抑制嗜酸性粒细胞的发育和基因表达,促进类红细胞分化,这是促红细胞生成素增强的作用。因此,C /EBP-ε同工型可以根据其基于激活子和阻遏物结构域以及体外功能活性的预测活性,重新编程髓系谱系的承诺和分化。



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