首页> 外文期刊>Генетика: Ежемес. журн. >The induction of chromosomal aberrations by tetra antibiotic in bone marrow cells of rats in vivo

The induction of chromosomal aberrations by tetra antibiotic in bone marrow cells of rats in vivo


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The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo effects of Tetra (Tetralet) antibiotic on the chromosomal aberrations (CA) in bone marrow cells of rats (Rattus norvegicus var. albinos). Tetra antibiotic significantly increased the percentage of abnormal cells and the chromosomal aberrations per cells (CA/cell) in bone marrow cells of rats at concentrations of 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight for 12 and 24 hours treatment periods for each. In addition, the percentage of abnormal cells and the CA/cell increased dose-dependently for 12 hours treatment period; In contrast, mitotic index (MI) was decreased when compared with negative control and solvent controls for 12 hours treatment period. However, MI increased depend on Tetra antibiotic dose for 24 hour treatment period.
机译:本研究的目的是调查体内利乐(Tetralet)抗生素的影响在骨髓染色体畸变(CA)老鼠的细胞(鼠形var.白化病人)。利乐抗生素大大增加了比例的异常细胞和染色体每个细胞畸变(CA /单元)在骨髓100年和200年的老鼠细胞的浓度毫克/公斤体重12和24小时的治疗对于每一个时期。异常细胞和CA /细胞增加12小时治疗期存在剂量依赖的相关性;相比之下,有丝分裂指数(MI)是降低了相比,消极的控制和溶剂控制治疗期为12个小时。MI的增加取决于利乐抗生素剂量24小时的治疗时期。



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