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How to increase productivity of the copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana): effects of population density and food concentration


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In this study, we analysed the effect of population density and food concentration on the fecundity of a Mediterranean strain of Acartia tonsa to maximize egg production. During 4-day feeding experiments, egg hatching success and faecal pellet production were also followed. The algae Rhinomonas reticulata was supplied at different concentrations corresponding to 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000g CL(-1)day(-1) at the following adult copepod density: 40, 80 and 160ind.L-1. Our results show a positive relationship between algal concentration and egg production under all experimental conditions confirming that the quantity of food strongly limits A.tonsa fecundity. Maximum egg production (57 eggs per female) was reached at the lowest density and at the maximum food concentration. Percentage of egg hatching success was not dependent on the quantity of food used. At the same food concentration, an increase in population density from 40 to 80ind.L-1 induced an increase in faecal pellet production per couple which did not correspond to an increase in egg production, suggesting that higher energetic costs were shifted to swimming activity. Productivity of the A.tonsa Mediterranean strain is mainly limited by the quantity of food rather than by crowding conditions.
机译:在这项研究中,我们分析了人口密度和食物浓度对地中海A螨(Acartiatonsa)菌株的繁殖力的影响,以最大程度地提高产蛋量。在为期4天的喂养实验中,还跟踪了卵孵化成功和粪便颗粒产生的情况。网状藻Rhinomonas reticulata以以下成年co足类密度:40、80和160ind.L-1的不同浓度分别对应于250、500、1000、1500、2000和3000g CL(-1)day(-1)提供。我们的结果表明,在所有实验条件下,藻类浓度与产蛋量之间呈正相关关系,这证实了食物的数量极大地限制了A.tonsa的繁殖力。在最低密度和最高食物浓度下,达到最大产蛋量(每个雌性产卵57个)。卵孵化成功的百分比不取决于所用食物的数量。在相同的食物浓度下,人口密度从40ind.L-1增加到L-1导致每对夫妇的粪便颗粒产量增加,这与鸡蛋产量的增加并不对应,这表明较高的精力成本已转向游泳活动。 A.tonsa地中海菌株的生产力主要受到食物数量的限制,而不是受拥挤条件的限制。



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