首页> 外文期刊>Applied Vegetation Science >Syntaxonomical survey of boreal oligotrophic pine forests in northern Europe and Western Siberia

Syntaxonomical survey of boreal oligotrophic pine forests in northern Europe and Western Siberia


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Question: What is the syntaxonomical diversity of boreal oligotrophic pine forests in Western Eurasia?Location: Boreal zone of Northern Europe and Western Siberia.Methods: Classification of forest vegetation plots using Ward's clustering and the Braun-Blanquet approach.Results: North European and West Siberian boreal oligotrophic pine forests can be assigned to the Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939; Pinetalia sylvestris Oberdorfer 1957; Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris Kielland-Lund ex Ermakov et Morozova 2011, seven associations (Cladonio arbusculae-Pinetum sylvestris (Kielland-Lund 1967) Ermakov & Iirozova 2011; Flavocetrario nivalis-Pinetum sylvestris Morozova et al. 2008; Pinetum sibiricae-sylvestris Makhatkov et Ermakov 2010; Hedysaro alpini-Laricetum sibiricae Saburov 1972; Linnaeo borealis-Pinetum sylvestris (Kielland-Lund 1967) Ermakov & Iirozova 2011; Barbilophozio-Pinetum sylvestris Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939; Bazzanio-Pinetum sylvestris Kielland-Lund 1967; Calamagrostio lapponicae-Pinetum sylvestris Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939) and six subassociations. Syntaxonomical and geographical boundaries between the alliances Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris and Dicrano-Pinion (Libbert 1933) Matuszkiewicz 1962 were defined.Conclusion: We propose the concept of alliance Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris, which includes all associations of oligotrophic pine forests within the boreal zone of Europe and Western Siberia. Analysis of a data set from Northern Europe and North-western Siberia demonstrates a common set of ecological, floristic and phytocoenotic features of all types of oligotrophic pine forests. This supports Oberdorfer's concept of a single Eurasian order Pinetalia sylvestris.
机译:问题:欧亚大陆的北方贫营养松树林的语法学多样性是什么?地点:北欧和西伯利亚的北方地区方法:使用Ward聚类和Braun-Blanquet方法对森林植被区进行分类结果:北欧和西方西伯利亚北方贫营养型松树林可以归入Vaccinio-PiceeteaBr.-Bl。在Br.-Bl.等。 1939年; Pinetalia sylvestris Oberdorfer,1957年; Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris Kielland-Lund ex Ermakov et Morozova 2011,七个协会(Cladonio arbusculae-Pinetum sylvestris(Kielland-Lund 1967)Ermakov&Iirozova 2011; Flavocetrario nivalis-Pinetum sylvestris Morakova 2008;埃尔玛科夫(Ermakov)2010年;阿尔卑斯白花香草-百里香(Laricetum sibiricae Saburov 1972年);菩提树(Linnaeoboalis-Pinetum sylvestris)(基尔兰-隆德(Kielland-Lund 1967))埃尔玛科夫&伊罗佐娃(Iirozova)2011年;巴比罗菲齐奥(Barbilophozio-Pinetum sylvestris)Br。 -Pinetum sylvestris Kielland-Lund 1967年; Calamagrostio lapponicae-Pinetum sylvestris Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Br.-Bl. et al。1939)和六个子协会。定义了Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris和Dicrano-Pinion(Libbert 1933)Matuszkiewicz 1962联盟之间的句法学和地理边界。结论:我们提出了Cladonio stellaris-Pinion sylvestris联盟的概念,其中包括寡生嗜盐菌在内部的所有联系欧洲和西西伯利亚地区。对来自北欧和西北西伯利亚的数据集的分析表明,所有类型的贫营养松树林具有共同的生态,植物和植物群落特征。这支持了Oberdorfer关于单一欧亚松果樟子松的概念。



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