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The role of the soil seed bank in vegetation recovery on an oceanic island severely damaged by introduced goats


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Question: Are the seed banks of an isolated Subtropical oceanic island capable of naturally regenerating vegetation either with species of the historical forest community or with the existing grassland community after severe damage to the vegetation by goats?Location: Nakoudojima Island, Bonin Archipelago (Ogasawara Shoto). Japan.Methods: Soil samples were collected at 0-5 cm and 5-10 cut depths from seven plots in forests. grasslands, artificially matted areas and bare land. Soil seed banks were assessed using the seedling emergence method Followed by the hand-sorting of Ungerminated seeds. We determined the size and composition of the seed banks in tipper soil layers of plots and compared the seed banks to the standing vegetation,Results: A total of 12 220 seedlings belonging to 42 species front 20 families germinated. Total mean seed density (0-5 cm depth) was low in all plots within forest, grassland, and heavily degraded vegetation types (34.7 +/- 8.6 to 693.5 +/- 123.6. 58.6 +/- 7.8 to 107.1 +/- 10.0, and 1,1 +/- 0.5 to 7.2 +/- 2.3 seeds/m(2), respectively). Forbs and graminoids dominated the seed banks of grassland and forest plots including Cyperus brevifolius, Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Oxalis corniculata and Solanum nigrum, and these alien species comprised 90% of the density of the seed bank. There was little correlation between seed banks and standing vegetation of the island (Sorensen similarity coefficient values 0.26 to 0.45).Conclusions: If natural regeneration occurs from the seed bank of the island, future vegetation will not move toward the original forest community, because the seed bank is dominated by non-native herbaceous grassland species. Though isolated, a few forest remnants with low species richness could be an important source for the natural re-establishment of forest on the island; however, seed availability may be limited by either poor dispersal or pollination so that woody species will probably recover very slowly on this goat-impacted island.
机译:问题:在山羊严重破坏植被之后,一个孤立的亚热带海洋岛屿的种子库是否能够与历史森林群落物种或现有草地群落自然再生植被?位置:波宁群岛那库多马岛(小gas原庄) )。日本。方法:从森林的七个地块中以0-5厘米和5-10切深的深度采集土壤样品。草原,人工草席的地区和裸露的土地。使用幼苗出苗方法评估土壤种子库,然后对未发芽的种子进行手工分选。我们确定了样地自卸土壤层中种子库的大小和组成,并将种子库与站立的植被进行了比较。结果:属于20个科的42个物种的总共12220株幼苗发芽了。在森林,草地和严重退化的植被类型中,所有地块的总平均种子密度(0-5厘米深)较低(34.7 +/- 8.6至693.5 +/- 123.6。58.6 +/- 7.8至107.1 +/- 10.0和1,1 +/- 0.5至7.2 +/- 2.3种子/ m(2))。草地和林地的种子库(包括莎草(Cyperus brevifolius),戊香(Gnaphalium pensylvanicum),山茱Ox(Oxalis corniculata)和龙葵(Solanum nigrum))占据着种子库的大部分,而这些外来物种占种子库密度的90%。种子库与岛上现存的植被之间几乎没有相关性(Sorensen相似系数值在0.26至0.45之间)。结论:如果岛上种子库发生自然更新,则未来的植被将不会向原始森林群落转移。种子库主要由非本地草种组成。尽管是孤立的,但少数物种丰富度较低的森林残留物可能是岛上森林自然重建的重要来源。但是,散布或授粉不佳可能会限制种子的供应,因此木本物种在这个受山羊影响的岛屿上的恢复可能会非常缓慢。



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