首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >The use of AquaMats((R)) to enhance growth and improve fin condition among raceway cultured rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)

The use of AquaMats((R)) to enhance growth and improve fin condition among raceway cultured rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)

机译:使用AquaMats(R)促进跑道养殖的虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)的生长并改善鳍状况

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AquaMats(R) are a type of artificial seaweed designed to provide structure in ponds used for fish culture and as a substrate for the growth of aquatic plants and invertebrates which in turn are a source of nutrition to cultured species. In two separate tests AquaMats(R) were placed into raceways used to rear rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) to evaluate their effect on fish growth and fin condition. In the first test, the AquaMats(R) were placed perpendicular to the raceway length similar to a baffle design. One treatment consisted of AquaMats(R) that were cleaned on a regular basis, and the other treatment consisted of AquaMats(R) that were not cleaned throughout the test. By the end of the test no differences were found between treatments with respect to final fish weight, specific growth rate, or feed conversion ratio. The use of AquaMats(R) did not improve fin condition, in fact several fins measured were significantly better among control fish. In the second test AquaMats(R) were placed on the raceway bottom parallel to their length and to the water flow. AquaMats(R) were also hung from the side of the raceway to provide cover. At the conclusion of this test no differences were found between treatments with respect to final fish weight, specific growth rate, or feed conversion ratio. The placement of AquaMats(R) did have a transitory impact on fin condition. Mid-way through the test, treatment fish generally exhibited longer fins compared with the controls. However, by the end of the test, these differences were no longer detectable. The results from both tests indicate that fish were not provided with additional nutrition to the extent it improved growth. However, the use of AquaMats(R) did make a significant, albeit transitory, impact on fin condition.
机译:AquaMats(R)是一种人造海藻,旨在在用于鱼类养殖的池塘中提供结构,并作为水生植物和无脊椎动物生长的基质,而水生植物和无脊椎动物又是养殖物种的营养来源。在两个独立的测试中,将AquaMats(R)放入用于饲养虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)的水道中,以评估其对鱼类生长和鳍状况的影响。在第一项测试中,类似于挡板设计,将AquaMats(R)垂直于滚道长度放置。一种处理方法是定期清洁的AquaMats(R),另一种处理方法是在整个测试过程中都没有清洁的AquaMats(R)。到试验结束时,处理之间在最终鱼的重量,比生长率或饲料转化率方面没有发现差异。使用AquaMats(R)不能改善鳍的状况,实际上,在对照鱼中测得的若干鳍明显更好。在第二测试中,将AquaMats平行于其长度和水流放置在滚道底部。还从滚道的侧面悬挂了AquaMats(R)以提供遮盖。在该试验结束时,各处理之间在最终鱼重,比生长率或饲料转化率方面均未发现差异。 AquaMats(R)的放置确实对散热片状况产生了短暂影响。在测试过程中,与对照组相比,处理鱼的鳍通常更长。但是,到测试结束时,这些差异不再可检测到。两种测试的结果都表明,鱼类没有改善生长的程度获得额外的营养。但是,使用AquaMats(R)确实对鳍状况产生了很大的影响,尽管是短暂的。



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