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Anthracnose of Centipedegrass Turf


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Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Pezizomycotina; Sordariomycetes; Hypocreomycetidae; Glomerellales; Glomerellaceae; Mitosporic Glomerellaceae; Colletotrichum; Colletotrichum eremochloae J.A. Crouch & Tomaso-Peterson. C. eremochloae was recentlydescribed based on DNA sequence data of modern cultures and archival fungarium specimens. The identification of C. eremochloae sp. nov., a pathogen of centipedegrass, was made based on phylogenetic evidence from four sequence markers, Apn2, Apn2/Mat1, Sod2, and ITS (1). C. eremochloae is closely related to C. sublineola, the pathogen of sorghum [Sorghum halapense (L.) Pers] and johnsongrass (S. vulgaris Pers.), but genealogical concordance supported their distinction as phylogenetic species (1). Currently, centipedegrass is the only host from which C. eremochloae has been isolated and confirmed as a pathogen. No teleomorph of C. eremochloae has been identified.
机译:真核生物;菌类;迪卡利亚子囊菌;细角藻伞形霉菌;降菌科;肾小球;球藻科;线粒体球菌科;炭疽菌;炭疽菌Crouch和Tomaso-Peterson。最近基于现代文化和档案真菌标本的DNA序列数据描述了C. eremochloae。鉴定C. eremochloae sp。 nov。,一种cent的病原体,是基于来自四个序列标记Apn2,Apn2 / Mat1,Sod2和ITS的系统发育证据制成的(1)。棉铃虫与高粱的病原亚种C. sublineola有密切关系,高粱的病原体为普通种(S. vulgaris Pers。),而家谱一致则支持将它们区分为系统发育物种(1)。目前,cent是唯一从其分离并确认为病原体的寄主梭状芽胞杆菌的宿主。尚未鉴定出埃莫氏梭菌的同形异形体。



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