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Book Addresses Salinity Management of Turfgrass Sites


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Griffin, Georgia (January 4, 2012)--When a turfgrass site is repeatedly irrigated with saline irrigation water, salinity management is the most complex abiotic stress management issue that the turfgrass manager will confront. A book written by Dr. Robert N. Carrow (Professor, University of Georgia) and Dr. Ron R. Duncan (formerly of UGA-retired Professor, private consultant) provides in-depth management advice for turfgrass managers of saline and sodic soils. In the 464 page book published September,2011, est Management Practices for Saline and Sodic Turfgrass Soils: Assessment and Reclamation the authors apply the BMPs concept to salinity management. The BMP approach is considered the gold-standard management model for any individual environmentalissue since it is a whole ecosystem (holistic) and science-based plan that allows all possible management options to be considered and implemented on a site-specific basis.
机译:格鲁吉亚,格里芬(2012年1月4日)-重复用盐水灌溉水灌溉草皮场时,盐度管理是草皮管理者将面临的最复杂的非生物胁迫管理问题。 Robert N. Carrow博士(乔治亚大学教授)和Ron R. Duncan博士(前UGA退休教授,私人顾问)撰写的一本书为盐碱土壤和钠盐土壤的草皮管理人员提供了深入的管理建议。在2011年9月出版的464页的《盐碱土壤和苏打草皮土壤管理实践:评估和开垦》中,作者将BMPs概念应用于盐分管理。 BMP方法被视为任何单个环境问题的黄金标准管理模型,因为它是一个完整的生态系统(整体)和基于科学的计划,可以根据特定场所考虑和实施所有可能的管理选项。



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