首页> 外文期刊>Applied turfgrass science >Bermudagrass Cultivars Differ in Their Summer Traffic Tolerance and Ability to Maintain Green Turf Coverage Under Fall Traffic

Bermudagrass Cultivars Differ in Their Summer Traffic Tolerance and Ability to Maintain Green Turf Coverage Under Fall Traffic


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Bermudagrass [Cynodon spp. (L.) Rich.] is one of the most widely used turfgrass species for golf courses and sports fields in the southern United States and in the transitional climatic zone. Continuous trafficking from play or equipment can reduce bermudagrass coverage and turf quality. This study evaluated 42 bermudagrass cultivars for their response to traffic. Traffic was applied in summer and fall of 2007 and 2008 with a Cady Traffic Simulator. There were several commercially available cultivarsthat had the highest coverage in both summers when trafficked including Barbados, Celebration, Contessa, Dune, Midlawn, Mirage II, Panama, Premier, Princess 77, Patriot, Riviera, Southern Star, Sovereign, Sundevil II, Sunsport, TifGrand, Tifsport, Tifway, Transcontinental, Veracruz, and Yukon. However, only the cultivars Barbados, Celebration, Contesssa, and Premier and the experimental genotypes SWI-1003, SWI-1046, Tift No. 1, and Tift. No. 2 were in the top statistical grouping for green turf coverage in both summer and fall of both years. These results demonstrate that bermudagrass cultivars vary in their response to traffic. Selecting improved, traffic-tolerant bermudagrasses will help reduce maintenance inputs and increase sustainability of golfcourses and athletic fields while also producing a better-quality and safer surface for sports.
机译:百慕大草[Cynodon spp。 (L.)丰富。]是美国南部和过渡气候区中高尔夫球场和运动场上使用最广泛的草皮草之一。从游乐设施中不断贩运可减少百慕大草的覆盖率和草皮质量。这项研究评估了42个百慕大草品种对交通的反应。 2007年夏季和秋季以及2008年使用Cady Traffic Simulator进行了流量管理。在几个夏季贩运时,有几种商业上可买到的品种,包括巴巴多斯,庆典,伯爵,沙丘,米德劳恩,海市age楼II,巴拿马,总理,77公主,爱国者,里维埃拉,南方之星,主权,桑德维尔II,Sunsport, TifGrand,Tifsport,Tifway,Transcontinental,Veracruz和Yukon。但是,只有品种巴巴多斯,Celebration,Contesssa和Premier以及实验基因型SWI-1003,SWI-1046、1号Tift和Tift。在两年的夏季和秋季,绿色草坪覆盖率的统计分组均位居第二。这些结果表明百慕大草品种对交通的反应各不相同。选择经过改良的,能承受交通流量的百慕大草将有助于减少维护投入,提高高尔夫球场和运动场的可持续性,同时还能为运动提供更好质量和更安全的表面。



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