首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >iRhom2 is required for the secretion of mouse TNFα

iRhom2 is required for the secretion of mouse TNFα


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TNFα is a powerful inflammatory stimulus, central both to the control of infection, and as an agent of inflammatory disease. The most potent inducers of TNFα secretion signal through the Toll-like receptors, and we describe here a chemically-induced mutation that impairs this response in macrophages. A missense mutation was revealed in the gene encoding the inactive rhomboid protease iRhom2, which was not complemented by a null allele of the same gene. Neither the missense nor the null allele affected TLR-induced secretion of IL-6. Moreover, unlike a mutation in TNFα, the iRhom2 missense mutation did not cause enhanced susceptibility to colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate. These results establish a specific role for iRhom2 in the secretion of TNFα, and present a new target for the modulation of inflammation.
机译:TNFα是一种强大的炎症刺激,既是控制感染的关键,又是炎症疾病的媒介。 TNFα分泌的最强诱导剂通过Toll样受体发出信号,我们在这里描述了一种化学诱导的突变,其削弱了巨噬细胞的这种应答。在编码失活的菱形蛋白酶iRhom2的基因中发现了一个错义突变,该突变没有被同一基因的无效等位基因所补充。错义和无效等位基因均不影响TLR诱导的IL-6分泌。此外,与TNFα突变不同,iRhom2错义突变不会引起葡聚糖硫酸钠诱发的结肠炎敏感性增加。这些结果确立了iRhom2在TNFα分泌中的特定作用,并提出了调节炎症的新靶标。



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