首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Refractive index sensing with Fa no resonant plasmonic nanostructures: a symmetry based nonlinear approach

Refractive index sensing with Fa no resonant plasmonic nanostructures: a symmetry based nonlinear approach


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Sensing using surface plasmon resonances is one of the most promising practical applications of plasmonic nanostructures and Fano resonances allow achieving a lower detection limit thanks to their narrow spectral features. However, a narrow spectral width of the subradiant mode in a plasmonic system, as observed in the weak coupling regime, is in general associated with a low modulation of the complete spectral response. In this article, we show that this limitation can be overcome by a nonlinear approach based on second harmonic generation and its dependence on symmetry at the nanoscale. The Fano resonant systems considered in this work are gold nanodolmens. Their linear and nonlinear responses are evaluated using a surface integral equation method. The numerical results demonstrate that a variation of the refractive index of the surrounding medium modifies the coupling between the dark and bright modes, resulting in a modification of the electromagnetic wave scattered at the second harmonic wavelength, especially the symmetry of the nonlinear emission. Reciprocally, we show that evaluating the asymmetry of the nonlinear emission provides a direct measurement of the gold nanodolmens dielectric environment. Interestingly, the influence of the refractive index of the surrounding medium on the nonlinear asymmetry parameter is approximately 10 times stronger than on the spectral position of the surface plasmon resonance: hence, smaller refractive index changes can be detected with this new approach. Practical details for an experimental realization of this sensing scheme are discussed and the resolution is estimated to be as low as △n = 1.5 x 10~(-3), respectively 1.5 x 10~(-5), for an acquisition time of 60 s for an isolated gold nanodolmen, respectively an array of 10 x 10 nanodolmens.
机译:使用表面等离子体共振是一种感应最有前途的实际应用电浆纳米结构和法诺共振允许实现更低检出限感谢他们狭隘的光谱特性。在光谱的宽度subradiant模式电浆系统,观察到的弱耦合机制,有关低调制的完整的光谱响应。在本文中,我们表明,这种限制基于被克服的非线性方法二次谐波发生及其依赖对称在纳米尺度上。系统被认为是在这个工作是黄金nanodolmens。评估使用表面积分方程方法。折射率的变化周围介质修改之间的耦合黑暗和明亮的模式,导致电磁波的修改散落在第二谐振波长,特别是非线性的对称性发射。的不对称非线性排放提供了黄金nanodolmens的直接测量介质环境。的折射率的影响周围介质的非线性不对称参数是大约10倍表面等离子体的光谱位置共振:因此,较小的折射率可以用这种新方法检测到变化。实际的实验实现的细节和讨论的传感方案分辨率估计低△n = 1.5x 10 ~ (3), 1.5 x 10 ~(5),分别为收购60年代的一个孤立的黄金时间分别nanodolmen 10 x 10的数组




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