首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >The effects of interactions between proline and carbon nanostructures on organocatalysis in the Hajos-Parrish-Eder-Sauer-Wiechert reaction

The effects of interactions between proline and carbon nanostructures on organocatalysis in the Hajos-Parrish-Eder-Sauer-Wiechert reaction

机译:脯氨酸和之间的相互作用的影响碳纳米结构在organocatalysisHajos-Parrish-Eder-Sauer-Wiechert reaction

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The non-covalent interactions of S-(-)-proline with the surfaces of carbon nanostructures (fullerene, nanotubes and graphite) change the nucleophilic-electrophilic and acid-base properties of the amino acid, thus tuning its activity and selectivity in the organocatalytic Hajos-Parrish-Eder-Sauer-Wiechert (HPESW) reaction. Whilst our spectroscopy and microscopy measurements show no permanent covalent bonding between S-(-)-proline and carbon nanostructures, a systematic investigation of the catalytic activity and selectivity of the organocatalyst in the HPESW reaction demonstrates a clear correlation between the pyramidalisation angle of carbon nanostructures and the catalytic properties of S-(-)-proline. Carbon nanostructures with larger pyramidalisation angles have a stronger interaction with the nitrogen atom lone pair of electrons of the organocatalyst, thereby simultaneously decreasing the nucleophilicity and increasing the acidity of the organocatalyst. These translate into lower conversion rates but higher selectivities towards the dehydrated product of Aldol addition.
机译:S -(-)脯氨酸的非共价相互作用碳纳米结构的表面(富勒烯、碳纳米管和石墨)改变nucleophilic-electrophilic和酸碱氨基酸的属性,从而优化它organocatalytic活性和选择性的反应。测量显示没有永久的共价键S -(-)之间脯氨酸和碳纳米结构,催化的一个系统的调查organocatalyst的活性和选择性HPESW演示了一个明确的反应pyramidalisation角之间的相关性碳纳米结构和催化S -(-)脯氨酸的性质。纳米结构与大pyramidalisation角有一个更强的交互氮原子的孤对电子同时organocatalyst,从而减少亲核性和酸度的增加organocatalyst。转化率,但对选择性更高醇醛加成脱水产品。



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