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Perovskite photovoltaics featuring solution-processable TiO2 as an interfacial electron-transporting layer display to improve performance and stability


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In this study we used solution-processable crystalline TiO2 nanoparticles as an interfacial modified layer between the active layer and aluminum cathode to fabricate CH3NH3Pbl3/PCBM-based planar heterojunction perovskite photovoltaic (PPV) devices. We optimized the performance of the PPV device prepared without TiO2 by varying the preheating temperature of the indium tin oxide (ITO)/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) substrate, obtaining a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 6.3% under simulated AM 1.5 G irradiation (100 mW cm~(-2)). After incorporating the TiO2 layer, we obtained a much higher PCE of 7.0%. The TiO2-containing PPV device exhibited extremely high stability (retaining ~96% of its PCE after 1000 h) under long-term storage in a dark N2-filled glove box; the unencapsulated device retained approximately 80% of its original efficiency (T_(80)) after 1 week under ambient conditions (ISOS-D-1; defined as 23 °C/50% RH). In contrast, the normal device was sensitive to ambient conditions with a value of T_(80) at only 3 h. We attributed the improved device performance (PCE, stability) to the enhanced electron transporting, hole blocking, and barrier properties arising from the presence of the TiO2 layer.
机译:在这项研究中我们使用solution-processable水晶二氧化钛纳米颗粒的界面层之间的活性层和修改铝阴极制造CH3NH3Pbl3 / PCBM-based平面异质结钙钛矿光伏(PPV)设备。PPV装置的性能进行了优化准备没有二氧化钛在不同预热氧化铟锡的温度(ITO) /聚(材料间是的运动(PEDOT)衬底,获得权力转换6.3%的效率(PCE)在模拟是1.5克辐照(100 mW厘米~(2))。二氧化钛层,我们获得了更高的PCE的7.0%。(保留~ 96%的极高的稳定性1000 h后PCE)下长期存储黑暗N2-filled手套箱;设备保留约80%的原始效率(T_(80)识别)环境下后1周条件(ISOS-D-1;相比之下,正常的设备是敏感的环境条件和T_(80)仅识别的价值3 h。我们认为改进的设备稳定性能(PCE)的提高电子运输、孔阻塞和障碍属性由二氧化钛的存在层。



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