首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Research Journal >Microcontroller based low cost safety alarm for straw management system attached to combine harvester

Microcontroller based low cost safety alarm for straw management system attached to combine harvester


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The super straw management system (SMS) is fitted at the back of the combine harvester and below the straw walkers. Thus, it is not possible for the operator to monitor the working of SMS. The rotor of SMS operates at a high speed (1800 rpm) and any reduction in the rotor speed can cause straw blockage in the combine harvester. The blockage of straw can damage/break the straw walkers of the harvester, which adversely affect the performance of the system. Therefore, to cope with this serious problem,an automatic low-cost safety alarm was designed to prevent the damage to the combine harvester and SMS. The safety alarm works in the range of 1000 to 1800 rpm of the SMS rotor. A microcontroller based on open source software was used in the safety alarm. The safety alarm consists of Arduino microcontroller, proximity sensor, relay module, and a light switch and 12 V battery. Two proximity sensors of different makes (8 mm and 4 mm sensing distance) were used to measure the rotational speed of the SMS rotor. The safety alarm triggers a light signal whenever rpm of the straw management rotor falls below 1000 rpm. A contact and non-contact type tachometer (make) having a least count of 0.1 rpm was used to compare speed of the rotor measured using microcontroller. The average variation compared to contact tachometer was 2.1% and 1.1% for sensor1, and sensor2, respectively. Similarly, the average variation compared to non-contact tachometer was 1.8% and 0.6% for sensor1 and sensor2, respectively. Therefore, proximity sensor2 (of 4 mm sensing distance) was recommended for use in the commercial version of low-cost safety alarm. The provision of safety alarm on the SMS attachment makes the system robust against potential threat of straw blockage, thereby, will increase the life span and rate of adoption of SMS attachment in the region.
机译:超级稻草管理系统(SMS)安装后面的联合收割机和下面稻草步行者。短信的操作员监控工作。高速转子的短信运营(1800转)和任何减少会导致转子速度在联合收割机秸秆堵塞。堵塞的稻草可以伤害/破坏稻草步行者的收割机,产生不利影响系统的性能。这个严重的问题,一个自动的低成本安全报警器是为了防止损坏联合收割机和短信。闹钟在1000至1800 rpm的范围SMS转子。开源软件是用于安全报警。安全报警由Arduino单片机,接近传感器、继电器模块和一盏灯开关和12 V电池。不同的是(8毫米和4毫米传感距离)被用来测量的转速吗SMS转子。每当rpm的稻草管理转子信号低于1000 rpm。转速表类型(使)的计数0.1 rpm是用来比较转子的速度使用单片机测量。变化而接触转速计为2.1%分别为sensor1和1.1%,sensor2。同样,平均变异相比非接触式转速表是1.8%和0.6%sensor1 sensor2,分别。接近sensor2(4毫米的感应距离)推荐使用的商业版本低成本的安全报警。报警短信上附件系统强劲的潜在威胁的稻草堵塞,因此,将增加寿命并采用SMS附件的速度地区。



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