首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Influence of anthropogenic activity on the lead isotope signature of Thau Lake sediments (southern France): origin and temporal evolution

Influence of anthropogenic activity on the lead isotope signature of Thau Lake sediments (southern France): origin and temporal evolution


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Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions were determined on both bulk sediments deposited in the Thau lake in southern France during the last 200 years, and leachates derived from a series of sequential leachings of the sediments, making it possible to identify the sources, natural (i.e. indigenous lithologic) or anthropogenic, and to quantify the different inputs of Pb. Two distinct inputs of Ph could be distinguished. One of these corresponds to the terrigenous material entering the basin, representative of the local natural Pb 'background'. Its supply remained steady most of the time with (206)pb/(207)pb ratios of 1.200 +/- 0.003, except at the time of heavy storms producing voluminous and sudden depositions, such as that of September 1875, This Pb supply is mainly hosted by the detrital silicate fraction of the sediments. The second Pb input is a direct consequence of anthropogenic activities of various industrial and domestic emissions in the region, particularly due to the city of Sete and, to a lesser extent, to the villages in the watershed. The (206)pb/(207)pb ratios Of this input are of 1.142-1.162. The Pb added to gasoline could also be identified in the uppermost sediments, because of its specific Pb-206/(207)pb ratios of 1.069-1.094. The leaching experiments also showed that the anthropogenic Pb is mainly hosted by the oxi-hydroxides of the sediments and to a lesser extent by the carbonates. It may also be adsorbed on particle surfaces, while only limited amounts are bound to organic matter. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 37]
机译:在过去的200年中,测定了法国南部Thau湖中两个大块沉积物的铅浓度和同位素组成,以及一系列沉积物的连续浸出所产生的沥滤液,从而有可能确定天然(即土著)来源。或人为的,并量化Pb的不同输入。可以区分Ph的两个不同输入。其中之一对应于进入盆地的陆源物质,代表了当地天然Pb“本底”。在大多数时间里,其供应保持稳定,(206)pb /(207)pb的比率为1.200 +/- 0.003,除非在大风暴产生大量突然沉积的时候,例如1875年9月,这种Pb的供应量是主要由沉积物中的碎屑硅酸盐部分所占据。第二种铅的输入是该区域各种工业和家庭排放的人为活动的直接结果,特别是由于塞特市以及(在较小程度上)分水岭的村庄。该输入的(206)pb /(207)pb比为1.142-1.162。由于汽油的特定Pb-206 /(207)pb比为1.069-1.094,因此也可以在最上面的沉积物中识别出添加到汽油中的Pb。浸出实验还表明,人为的铅主要由沉积物的氢氧化物所占据,而碳酸盐的含量较小。它也可能被吸附在颗粒表面,而只有有限的量与有机物结合。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:37]



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