首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Understanding filamentary growth in electrochemical metallization memory cells using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations

Understanding filamentary growth in electrochemical metallization memory cells using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations


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We report on a 2D kinetic Monte Carlo model that describes the resistive switching in electrochemical metallization cells. To simulate the switching process, we consider several different processes on the atomic scale: electron-transfer reactions at the boundaries, ion migration, adsorption/desorption from/to interfaces, surface diffusion and nucleation. These processes result in a growth/dissolution of a metallic filament within an insulating matrix. In addition, the model includes electron tunneling between the growing filament and the counter electrode, which allows for simulating multilevel switching. It is shown that the simulation model can reproduce the reported switching kinetics, switching variability and multilevel capabilities of ECM devices. As a major result, the influence of mechanical stress working on the host matrix due to the filamentary growth is investigated. It is demonstrated that the size and shape of the filament depend on the Young's modulus of the insulating matrix. For high values a wire-like structure evolves, whereas the shape is dendritic if the Young's modulus is negligible.
机译:我们报告一个2 d动力学蒙特卡罗模型描述了电阻切换电化学金属化细胞。切换过程中,我们考虑一些在原子尺度不同的过程:电子转换反应的边界,离子迁移、吸附/解吸/接口,表面扩散和成核。这些过程导致增长/解散金属丝在一个绝缘矩阵。此外,该模型包括电子灯丝和增长之间的隧道对电极,它允许模拟多级切换。仿真模型可以复制报告交换动力学、可变性和切换多级ECM的功能设备。主要结果,机械应力的影响在主机矩阵由于细丝的工作增长了。丝的大小和形状取决于绝缘的杨氏模量矩阵。高值平衡结构的发展,而如果年轻的形状是树突模量可以忽略不计。



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