首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >A survey of the inorganic chemistry of bottled mineral waters from the British Isles

A survey of the inorganic chemistry of bottled mineral waters from the British Isles


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The inorganic chemistry of 85 samples of bottled natural mineral waters and spring waters has been investigated from 67 sources across the British Isles (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland). Sources include boreholes, springs and wells. Waters are from a diverse range of aquifer lithologies and are disproportionately derived from comparatively minor aquifers, the most represented being Lower Palaeozoic (10 sources), Devonian Sandstone (10 sources) and Carboniferous Limestone (9 sources). The waters show correspondingly variable major-ion compositions, ranging from Ca-HCO_3, through mixed-cation-mixed-anion to Na-HCO_3 types. Concentrations of total dissolved solids are mostly low to very low (range 58-800mg/L). All samples analysed in the study had concentrations of inorganic constituents well within the limits for compliance with European and national standards for bottled waters. Concentrations of NO_3-N reached up to half the limit of 11.3mg/L, although 62% of samples had concentrations <1mg/L. Concentrations of Ba were high (up to 1010μg/L) in two spring water samples. Such concentrations would have been non-compliant had they been classed as natural mineral waters, although no limit exists for Ba in European bottled spring water. In addition, though no European limit exists for U in bottled water, should a limit commensurate with the current WHO provisional guideline value for U in drinking water (15μg/L) be introduced in the future, a small number of groundwater sources would have concentrations approaching or in excess of this value. Two sources had groundwater U concentrations>10μg/L, both being from the Welsh Devonian Sandstone. The highest observed U concentration was 13.6μg/L.Solute concentrations in waters contained in glass bottles compared with waters in PET showed slightly though significantly higher concentrations of Al, Ce, Cu, La, Nd, Mn, Sn, W, Zn and Zr (rank-sum testing, p<. 0.05). By contrast, Sb concentrations were significantly higher (p<. 0.001) in samples contained in PET bottles. This accords with other studies that have recognised Sb contamination in water from PET bottles. However, in no cases did the concentration of Sb exceed or approach the national and European limit for Sb in natural mineral water/spring water (5μg/L), the highest observation being 1.35μg/L.Bottled water compositions were mostly similar in their major-ion characteristics to raw groundwaters from the equivalent aquifers in Britain, although concentrations of several trace elements (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) were appreciably lower, in some cases by one or two orders of magnitude. The most likely mechanism for the reduction is use of aeration, settling and filtration to remove unstable constituents before bottling. The comparatively low concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are likely to be due to co-precipitation with/adsorption to precipitated metal oxides, although choice of resilient pipework (e.g. stainless steel) in bottling plants may also be a factor. Although for the most part the major ions in the bottled waters appear representative of the groundwater in their host aquifers, the results suggest that many of the trace elements have been modified significantly from natural compositions in situ.
机译:从不列颠群岛(英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰,北爱尔兰,爱尔兰共和国)的67个来源调查了85种瓶装天然矿泉水和泉水样品的无机化学。来源包括井眼,温泉和井。水源来自各种各样的含水层岩性,并且不成比例地来自相对较小的含水层,最典型的是下古生界(10个源),泥盆纪砂岩(10个源)和石炭系石灰岩(9个源)。这些水显示出相应可变的主离子组成,范围从Ca-HCO_3到混合阳离子-混合阴离子到Na-HCO_3类型。总溶解固体的浓度大多低至非常低(范围58-800mg / L)。研究中分析的所有样品中无机成分的浓度都在符合欧洲和国家瓶装水标准的极限范围内。尽管62%的样品浓度<1mg / L,但NO_3-N的浓度最高达到了11.3mg / L限值的一半。在两个泉水样品中,Ba的浓度很高(高达1010μg/ L)。如果将其归类为天然矿泉水,则该浓度将不符合要求,尽管欧洲瓶装泉水中对Ba的含量没有限制。此外,尽管欧洲对瓶装水中的U含量没有限制,但将来要引入与WHO饮用水中U含量暂行准则值(15μg/ L)相称的限制,少数地下水源中的U接近或超过此值。两种来源的地下水U浓度>10μg/ L,均来自威尔士泥盆纪砂岩。观察到的最高U浓度为13.6μg/ L。玻璃瓶中所含水的浓度与PET中所含水的溶质相比略有增加,但Al,Ce,Cu,La,Nd,Mn,Sn,W,Zn和Zr的浓度明显更高(秩和检验,p <。0.05)。相比之下,PET瓶中所含样品中的Sb浓度显着更高(p <.0.001)。这与其他已经认识到PET瓶中的水中Sb污染的研究相一致。但是,在天然矿泉水/泉水中(5μg/ L)的Sb含量均不会超过或接近国家和欧洲的Sb限值,最高的观察值为1.35μg/ L。尽管相当数量的微量元素(Al,Cd,Cu,Fe,Mn,Pb和Zn)的浓度明显降低,在某些情况下降低了一个或两个数量级,但在英国的等效含水层中,地下水的主要离子特征仍然存在。减少污染的最可能机制是使用充气,沉降和过滤在装瓶前除去不稳定成分。 Cd,Cu,Pb和Zn的浓度较低可能是由于与沉淀的金属氧化物共沉淀/吸附而导致的,尽管在装瓶厂中选择弹性管道(例如不锈钢)也可能是一个因素。尽管瓶装水中的主要离子在大多数情况下在其宿主含水层中均代表地下水,但结果表明,许多痕量元素已从原位天然成分中得到显着修饰。



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