首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Fluid geochemistry of the Acqui Terme-Visone geothermal area (Piemonte, Italy)

Fluid geochemistry of the Acqui Terme-Visone geothermal area (Piemonte, Italy)

机译:Acqui Terme-Visone地热区(意大利Piemonte)的流体地球化学

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The main geothermal reservoir of Acqui Terme-Visone hosts Na-Cl waters, which are in chemical equilibrium at 120-130 degrees C with typical hydrothermal minerals including quartz, albite, K-feldspar, illite, chlorite (or smectite), anhydrite, calcite and an unspecified Ca-Al-silicate. In the Acqui Terme-Visone area, these geothermal waters ascend along zones of high vertical permeability and discharge at the surface almost undiluted or mixed with cold, shallow waters. To the SW of Acqui Terme, other ascending geothermal waters, either undiluted or mixed with low-salinity waters, enter relatively shallow secondary reservoirs, where they reequilibrate at 65-70 degrees C. Both chemical and isotopic data indicate that bacterial SO4 reduction affects all these waters, especially those discharged by the secondary reservoirs. Therefore, geothermal waters must get in contact with oil, acquiring the relatively oxidized organic substances needed by SO4-reducing bacteria. This oil-water interaction process deserves further investigations, for potential economic implications. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 55]
机译:Acqui Terme-Visone的主要地热储层拥有Na-Cl水,这些水在120-130摄氏度时处于化学平衡状态,与典型的热液矿物包括石英,钠长石,钾长石,伊利石,绿泥石(或蒙脱石),硬石膏,方解石和未指定的Ca-Al-硅酸盐。在Acqui Terme-Visone地区,这些地热水沿垂直渗透率高的区域上升,并在地表几乎没有稀释或与冷,浅水混合的地方排放。对于Acqui Terme西南部,其他未稀释或与低盐度水混合的上升地热水进入相对较浅的次生水库,在65-70摄氏度时重新平衡。化学和同位素数据均表明细菌SO4的还原影响所有这些水,特别是二级水库排放的水。因此,地热水必须与油接触,获得还原SO4的细菌所需的相对氧化的有机物质。对于潜在的经济影响,这种油水相互作用过程值得进一步研究。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:55]



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