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Modulation of the electron transfer processes in Au-ZnO nanostructures

机译:电子转移过程的调制Au-ZnO nanostructures

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Plasmonic nanostructures comprising Au and ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by the spontaneous reduction of HAuCl4 in ethylene glycol were used to assess the possibility of modulating the direction of the electron transfer processes at the interface. One electron UV reduction and visible oxidation of the reversible couple TEMPOL/TEMPOL-H was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy. The apparent quantum yield for TEMPOL-H conversion under continuous wave visible excitation depends on the irradiation wavelength, being 0.57% and 0.27% at 450 +/- 12 and 530 +/- 12 nm, respectively. These results indicate that both the surface plasmon resonance and the interband transition from the 5d to the 6s level of Au nanoparticles contribute to the visible activity of the nanostructure. In addition, by detecting free electron conduction band electrons in ZnO, after the visible excitation of Au/ZnO nanostructures, we provide direct evidence of the photoexcited electron transfer from gold nanoparticles to ZnO.
机译:电浆纳米结构包括非盟和氧化锌纳米粒子合成的自发的减少HAuCl4乙二醇调制的可能性进行评估电子转移过程的方向接口。可见可逆氧化夫妇证实了TEMPOL / TEMPOL-H EPR光谱学。在连续波可见TEMPOL-H转换激励取决于辐射波长,0.57%和0.27%在450 + / - 12和530 + / -分别12海里。表面等离子体共振和带间的过渡从5 d 6 s的水平非盟的纳米颗粒为可见纳米结构的活动。检测自由电子导带电子在氧化锌,可见激发后,非盟/氧化锌纳米结构,我们提供直接的证据从黄金光激的电子转移氧化锌纳米颗粒。



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