首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Behavior of arsenic and geochemical modeling of arsenic enrichment in aqueous environments

Behavior of arsenic and geochemical modeling of arsenic enrichment in aqueous environments


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Arsenic is present in aqueous environments in +III and +V oxidation states. In oxidizing environments, the principle attenuation mechanism of As migration is its adsorption on Fe(III) oxide and hydroxides. The adsorption affinity is higher for As(V) under lower pH conditions and for As(III) under higher pH conditions. Ferric oxide and hydroxides can dissolve under low Eh and pH conditions releasing adsorbed As. Oxidation-reduction processes often involve high organic matter content in sediments and also contamination by organics such as BTEX. Arsenic may desorb under high pH conditions. Changes of pH can be related to some redox reactions, cation exchange reactions driving dissolution of carbonates, and dissolution of silicates. In very reducing environments, where SO4 reduction takes place, secondary sulfide minerals like As-bearing pyrite and orpiment, As2S3, can incorporate As. Geochemical modeling can be divided into two principal categories: (a) forward modeling and (b) inverse modeling. Forward modeling is used to predict water chemistry after completion of predetermined reactions. Inverse modeling is used to suggest which processes take place along a flowpath. Complex coupled transport and geochemistry programs, which allow for simulation of As adsorption, are becoming available. A common modeling approach is based on forward modeling with surface complexation modeling (SCM) of As adsorption, which can incorporate the effect of different adsorbent/As ratios, adsorption sites density, area available for adsorption, pH changes and competition of As for adsorption sites with other dissolved species such as phosphate. The adsorption modeling can be performed in both batch and transport modes in codes such as PHREEQC. Inverse modeling is generally used to verify hypotheses on the origin of As. Basic prerequisites of inverse modeling are the knowledge of flow pattern (sampling points used in model have to be hydraulically connected) and information about mineralogy including As mineral phases. Case studies of geochemical modeling including modeling of As adsorption are presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 69]
机译:砷在水环境中以+ III和+ V氧化态存在。在氧化环境中,As迁移的主要衰减机理是其对Fe(III)氧化物和氢氧化物的吸附。在较低pH条件下,对As(V)的吸附亲和力较高;在较高pH条件下,对As(III)的吸附亲和力较高。三氧化二铁和氢氧化物可在低Eh和pH条件下溶解,释放出吸附的As。氧化还原过程通常涉及到沉积物中有机物含量高,还受到BTEX等有机物的污染。砷可能在高pH条件下解吸。 pH值的变化可能与某些氧化还原反应,导致碳酸盐溶解和硅酸盐溶解的阳离子交换反应有关。在还原性极强的环境中(发生SO4还原),次级硫化物矿物(如含As的黄铁矿和雌黄的As2S3)可以掺入As。地球化学建模可以分为两个主要类别:(a)正向建模和(b)逆向建模。正向建模用于在预定反应完成后预测水化学。逆向建模用于建议哪些过程沿流路发生。复杂的耦合运输和地球化学程序可以模拟As的吸附,现在已经可以使用。一种常见的建模方法是基于前向建模和As吸附的表面络合建模(SCM),可以结合不同吸附剂/ As比例,吸附位点密度,可吸附面积,pH值变化以及As对吸附位点竞争的影响与其他溶解物质,例如磷酸盐。吸附建模可以在批处理和运输模式下以PHREEQC之类的代码进行。逆建模通常用于验证有关As起源的假设。逆向建模的基本前提是要了解流型(必须液压连接模型中使用的采样点)以及有关矿物学的信息,包括As矿物相。本文介绍了包括As吸附模型在内的地球化学模型的案例研究。 (C)2003 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。 [参考:69]



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