首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Gold nanoparticle-ultrananocrystalline diamond hybrid structured materials for high-performance optoelectronic device applications

Gold nanoparticle-ultrananocrystalline diamond hybrid structured materials for high-performance optoelectronic device applications


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Hybridization of gold nanoparticles in the ultrananocrystalline diamond materials improves the electrical conductivity of the materials to a high level of 230 (Omega cm)(-1) with a sheet carrier concentration of 8.9 x 10(20) cm(-2). These hybrid materials show enhanced electron field emission (EFE) properties, viz. a low turn-on field of 2.1 V mu m(-1) with a high EFE current density of 5.3 mA cm(-2) (at an applied field of 4.9 V mu m(-1)) and the life-time stability up to a period of 372 min. The fabrication of these hybrid materials with high conductivity and superior EFE behaviors is a direct and simple process which opens new prospects in flat panel displays and high brightness electron sources.
机译:杂交的金纳米粒子ultrananocrystalline钻石材料改善材料的导电性高水平的230(ω厘米)(1)表载体浓度的8.9 x 10(2)(20)厘米。这些混合材料显示增强的电子场致发射(EFE)属性的低刺激的2.1 Vμm(1)高的场方程马电流密度为5.3厘米(2)(在一个应用4.9 V的μm(1))和终生稳定一段时间372分钟。制造这些混合材料的高电导率是爱因斯坦场方程和上级的行为开启新的直接和简单的过程前景在平板显示器和高亮度电子来源。




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