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Dynamic shortest route finder using pgRouting for emergency management


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There have been numerous researches on pgRouting and the use of its algorithms for the shortest path analysis. pgRouting which is an extension to PostgreSQL and PostGIS provides libraries for the Shortest Path including Turn Restriction, Driving Distance, Traveling Salesman, etc., through various algorithms like All Pairs Short Path, Bidirectional Dijkstra, and A* and other useful and graph analytics functions. pgRouting functions are based on costs, which are dynamic as opposed to pre-calculated costs and therefore can apply to different kinds of real road scenarios and work without rebuilding or reloading the entire road network. The increasing pervasiveness of natural disasters is drawing people to pay more attention to quick emergency response and planning. The availability of disaster-centric applications will aid in the process of decision making by offering solutions when disaster struck. Despite various possibilities of pgRouting for path analysis, a little research is done, on its usages for emergency managements. Most of the existing research focus on its usability on finding the shortest path based on some cost. In our paper, we have done an extensive path analysis to give the shortest and alternate path based on different disaster conditions affecting road networks such as occurrence of sudden floods and single and multiple obstructions of road segments due to landslides.
机译:关于pgRouting及其对最短路径分析的算法的使用已有许多研究。 pgRouting是PostgreSQL和PostGIS的扩展,它通过所有对短路径,双向Dijkstra和A *等各种算法以及其他有用的图形分析功能,为最短路径提供了库,包括转弯限制,行驶距离,旅行推销员等。 。 pgRouting函数基于成本,与预先计算的成本相比,它们是动态的,因此可以应用于各种实际道路场景和工作,而无需重建或重新加载整个道路网络。自然灾害日益普遍,促使人们更加重视快速的应急响应和计划。以灾难为中心的应用程序的可用性将在灾难发生时提供解决方案,从而有助于决策过程。尽管使用pgRouting进行路径分析的可能性多种多样,但对其应急管理的用途进行了一些研究。现有的大多数研究都集中在其可用性上​​,即基于某些成本找到最短路径。在本文中,我们已经进行了广泛的路径分析,以根据影响道路网络的不同灾害情况(例如突发洪水的发生以及由于滑坡造成的路段的单个和多个障碍)给出最短和替代的路径。



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