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A spatial analysis of the December 26th, 2004 tsunami-induced damages: Lessons learned for a better risk assessment integrating buildings vulnerability


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The December 26th tsunami of 2004 caused an unprecedented disaster in the Indian Ocean. In Sumatra, a third of the Banda Aceh area was destroyed and 70,000 people died. The Tsunarisque Program - a French-Indonesian research project - brings new considerations to tsunami dynamics and damage intensity in this urban area: An original method of damage spatial analysis is based on field surveys, photo interpretations and GIS. The first result is a very accurate cartography of the tsunami breaking zone that is shown by a steep drop in the damaging gradient around 2.7 km from the coast. The second is a new "macro-tsunamic" intensity scale based on special typologies of buildings and damages. This analysis is complemented by fragility curves that give the statistical relationships between mean damage intensities and wave heights. These results will allow developing application in tsunami potential losses modelling.
机译:2004年12月26日的海啸在印度洋造成了前所未有的灾难。在苏门答腊,班达亚齐地区的三分之一被毁,有70,000人死亡。 Tsunarisque计划-法国-印度尼西亚的一项研究项目-为该城市地区的海啸动态和破坏强度带来了新的考虑:破坏空间分析的原始方法是基于野外调查,照片解释和GIS。第一个结果是海啸破坏区的非常精确的制图,其特征是距海岸约2.7公里的破坏性梯度急剧下降。第二个是基于建筑物和破坏的特殊类型的新的“宏观海啸”强度标度。易碎曲线补充了该分析,该曲线给出了平均破坏强度与波高之间的统计关系。这些结果将有助于开发在海啸潜在损失建模中的应用。



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