
Magmatic fluids of Tatun volcanic group, Taiwan


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Two distinctive magmatic fluids were recognized in the Tatun volcanic group (TVG), Taiwan. One is a relatively reduced fluid represented by the fumarolic gases at Hsiao-you-ken (HYK) geothermal field. Another is an oxidized fluid containing high concentrations of HCI represented by the fumarolic gases at Da-you-ken (DYK). An intermediate gas was recognized at Gung-tze-ping (GTP) and She-hung-ping (SHP). The fumarolic gases at HYK and GTP possess the features of so-called primary steam generated on mixing of magmatic gas and meteoric groundwater. The fumarolic gases at DYK are a simple mixture between magmatic gas and water vapor of meteoric origin. The CO2/H2O molar ratio of the magmatic component in the fumarolic gases at DYK was estimated to be 0.018, meanwhile it was estimated to be 0.027 for the fumarolic gases at HYK and GTP, suggesting the magma beneath DYK is depleted in volatiles relative to the magma beneath HYK and GTP. The estimated CO2/H2O ratio for the magmatic component is comparable to that of some active volcanoes in Japan, suggesting the enrichment of volatiles in the magmas beneath TVG.
机译:台湾的大屯火山群(TVG)发现了两种独特的岩浆流体。一种是在小油fluid(HYK-You-ken)地热场中以富马酸气体为代表的相对减少的流体。另一个是含有高浓度HCl的氧化流体,其由大有垦(DYK)的富马酸类气体代表。在龚自平(GTP)和佘洪平(SHP)发现了中间气体。 HYK和GTP的富马气具有岩浆气和大气地下水混合产生的所谓一次蒸汽的特征。 DYK的富马气是岩浆气和流源水蒸气之间的简单混合物。 DYK岩浆气体中岩浆成分的CO2 / H2O摩尔比估计为0.018,HYK和GTP岩浆气体中岩浆成分的CO2 / H2O摩尔比估计为0.027,这表明DYK下岩浆相对于岩浆而言挥发物减少了。 HYK和GTP下的岩浆。估计的岩浆成分的CO2 / H2O比值与日本的一些活火山相当,这表明TVG下方岩浆中的挥发物富集。



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