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Do central processing and online processing always concur? Analysis of scene order and proportion effects in broadcast news


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This study examines the relationship between the central/peripheral processing of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and the online/memory-based processing of impression formation by analyzing the order and proportion effect of scene valence in broadcast news. A 2 (position of positive scenes: beginning and ending)×3 (proportion of positive scenes: high, medium & low) between design (N=158) experiment with political campaign broadcast news stories found evidence of central memory-based processing, which is inconsistent with the common belief that central and online processing always concur. Four typologies of information processing are proposed based on the study's findings: central online processing, peripheral online processing, central memory-based processing and peripheral memory-based processing.
机译:本研究通过分析广播新闻中场景价的顺序和比例效应,研究了细化可能性模型(ELM)的中央/外围处理与印象形成的基于在线/内存的处理之间的关系。设计(N = 158)与政治竞选广播新闻故事的实验之间的2(正面场景的位置:开始和结束)×3(正面场景的比例:高,中和低)发现了基于中央记忆的处理的证据,与中央和在线处理始终一致的普遍信念不一致。根据研究结果,提出了四种信息处理类型:中央在线处理,外围在线处理,基于中央存储的处理和基于外围存储的处理。



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