首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Site-selective localization of analytes on gold nanorod surface for investigating field enhancement distribution in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

Site-selective localization of analytes on gold nanorod surface for investigating field enhancement distribution in surface-enhanced Raman scattering


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Understanding detailed electric near-field distributions around noble metal nanostructures is crucial to the rational design of metallic substrates for maximizing surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) efficiency. We obtain SERS signals from specific regions such as the ends, the sides and the entire surfaces of gold nanorod by chemisorbing analytes on the respective areas. Different SERS intensities from designated surfaces reflect their electric near-field intensities and thus the distributions. Our experimental results show that approximately 65% of the SERS enhancement emanated from the ends of gold nanorods which occupies only 28% of the total surface area, quantitatively exhibiting the strongly localized electric field around the ends. The reliability and generality of the investigation is confirmed by employing analytes with different chemical characteristics: positively and negatively charged, neutral, hydrophobic and hydrophilic ligands, which are selectively adsorbed on the different sites. Numerical simulations of the electric near-field distributions around the nanorod are in well agreement with our experimental results. In addition, we observed that the SERS intensities of colloidal gold nanospheres are independent of surface areas being functionalized by analytes, indicating a homogenous electric near-field distribution around gold nanospheres.



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