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Tail docking in horses: a review of the issues.


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Routinely performed painful procedures are of increasing interest and, in 2001 (Royal Order, May 17), Belgium prohibited docking in several vertebrates including horses. In 2004, opponents to this decision submitted a Bill (Doc51 0969/001) to Parliament, intending to obtain derogation for Belgian draught horses, which were traditionally docked. The Animal Welfare Council of Belgium, an official body advising the Minister of Public Health, was asked to evaluate this complex question, including biological, ethical and socio-economic aspects, on the basis of the available peer-reviewed studies. In this context, this study reviews legal aspects (overview of the European legislation), zootechnic aspects (uses of the Belgian draught horse) and biological aspects (pain potentially related to docking; horses' welfare linked to insect harassment and hygiene, communication and reproduction) of tail docking in draught horses. We conclude that (1) there is no benefit for horses in tail docking, including Belgian draught horses, (2) potential advantages of docking are essentially in favour of humans and these advantages could be scrupulously re-evaluated, taking into account practices of other countries. Therefore, there is no need to dock any horse other than for veterinary reasons.
机译:例行执行的痛苦程序越来越引起人们的关注,并且在2001年(皇室勋章,5月17日),比利时禁止对接包括马在内的若干脊椎动物。 2004年,对此决定的反对者向议会提交了一项法案(Doc51 0969/001),意在克减传统上停靠的比利时起草。比利时动物福利委员会是向公共卫生部长提供咨询的官方机构,被要求根据现有的同行评审研究评估这个复杂的问题,包括生物学,伦理学和社会经济方面。在这种情况下,本研究回顾了法律方面(欧洲法规概述),动物技术方面(比利时吃草的用途)和生物学方面(可能与对接有关的疼痛;与昆虫骚扰和卫生,交流和繁殖相关的马的福利) )在吃草的马尾对接。我们得出的结论是:(1)进行尾巴对接并没有好处,包括比利时的吃水马匹;(2)对接的潜在优势本质上是有利于人类的,考虑到其他方面的做法,可以仔细评估这些优势。国家。因此,除了出于兽医原因之外,没有必要停靠任何马匹。



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