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Denouement and Discussion Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus


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A2-month-old, white, male infant had a 1-month history of a rash that began on the left face and spread to involve the scalp and right lower abdomen. According to his mother, the lesions appeared to be exacerbated by sun exposure. Prenatal and medical history were unremarkable. There was no family history of rheumatologic or autoimmune disease. Aside from the skin eruption noted, the results of the remainder of the physical examination were normal with no evidence of cardiac abnormalities or hepatosplenomegaly. A complete blood cell count with differential, liver enzyme profile, and a basic chemistry panel were all normal, and a skin fungal culture was negative. Antinuclear antibody (titer of 1:320) and anti-La/SSB antibody were both positive, but surprisingly, anti-Ro/SSA antibody was negative. Complete cardiac evaluation results were normal, including a normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. Although his mother was clinically asymptomatic, she also had a positive anti-nuclear antibody and anti-La/SSB antibody but negative anti-Ro/SSA antibody and negative double-stranded DNA. By 4 months of age, all of the cutaneous lesions had resolved spontaneously with aggressive sun protection, and no new clinical symptoms or physical findings were noted.
机译:A2-month-old,白人男性婴儿有一个月历史的皮疹,左边的脸,开始的蔓延到包括头皮和正确的低腹部。似乎加剧了阳光照射。产前和病史是不起眼的。没有疾病或家族病史自身免疫性疾病。指出,其余的结果体格检查是正常的,没有证据心脏异常或肝脾肿大。完整的血细胞计数与微分,肝酶简介和基本化学面板都是正常的,和皮肤真菌文化是什么负的。和anti-La / SSB抗体都是积极的,但是令人惊讶的是,anti-Ro / SSA抗体是阴性。完整的心脏评估结果是正常的,包括正常心电图超声心动图。无临床症状,她也有积极的反核抗体和anti-La / SSB抗体但负anti-Ro / SSA抗体和消极双链DNA。皮肤病变已经自发地解决积极的防晒,和没有新的临床症状或物理结果指出。



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