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Shear bond strength and residual adhesive after orthodontic bracket debonding.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the shear bond strength and determine the area of residual adhesive on teeth after the debonding of brackets bonded with two types of orthodontic adhesives. These were a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC; Fuji ORTHO LC, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and a resin applied as a precoated bracket (APC bracket, 3M Unitek GmbH, Seefeld, Germany). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 60 premolar teeth were randomly divided into two groups, and brackets were bonded according to the manufacturers' instructions. In group 1, the teeth were conditioned using 10% polyacrylic acid, and the brackets were bonded using Fuji Ortho LC in wet condition. In group 2, the teeth were etched using 37% phosphoric acid, and the APC brackets were bonded. Bond strength was measured using a testing instrument (2000S, Lloyds Instruments, Fareham, England) at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min, and the residual adhesive was quantified using a three-dimensional laser scanning instrument. RESULTS: The Mann-Whitneytest showed that the median bond strength of group 1 was significantly lower than that of group 2 (P < .001). A Pearson chi-square test of the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) revealed a significant difference among the groups tested. All the adhesives in group 1 failed at the enamel/adhesive interface (100%), whereas group 2 exhibited cohesive failure of the adhesive (90%). CONCLUSIONS: The bond strength values obtained with the RMGIC were above the minimum values suggested in the literature to achieve a clinically effective adhesion in orthodontics.
机译:目的:比较两种类型的正畸粘合剂对托槽的脱粘后的剪切粘结强度并确定牙齿上的残留粘合剂面积。它们是树脂改性的玻璃离聚物水泥(RMGIC;富士ORTHO LC,GC Corporation,日本东京)和用作预涂层托架的树脂(APC托架,德国塞费尔德3M Unitek GmbH)。材料与方法:将总共60颗前磨牙随机分为两组,并按照制造商的说明将托槽粘合在一起。在第1组中,使用10%的聚丙烯酸对牙齿进行调理,并在湿润条件下使用Fuji Ortho LC将托槽粘结在一起。在第2组中,使用37%的磷酸蚀刻牙齿,并粘结APC托槽。使用测试仪(2000S,Lloyds Instruments,Fareham,England)以1mm / min的十字头速度测量粘合强度,并使用三维激光扫描仪定量残留的粘合剂。结果:Mann-Whitneytest结果显示,第1组的中位粘结强度显着低于第2组(P <.001)。粘附残余指数(ARI)的Pearson卡方检验显示,受测组之间存在显着差异。第一组的所有胶粘剂在牙釉质/胶粘剂界面处失效(100%),而第二组的胶粘剂的内聚失效(90%)。结论:通过RMGIC获得的结合强度值高于文献中建议的最小值,以实现在牙齿矫正领域的临床有效粘附。



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