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An introduction to this special section: Caspian Sea


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The Caspian Sea region is a very important focus area for untapped oil and natural gas resources. During the second half of 2005, oil from the southern sections of the Caspian Sea is scheduled to be pumped through a new pipeline (built by a BP-led consortium) to the Turkish seaport of Ceyhan. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, production levels are expected to reach four million barrels per day in 2015. The Caspian region consists of the sea itself and parts of several countries that make up its shores: Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkmenistan. More broadly, the region can be seen as containing the entire Caucasus, which would include large parts of Iran and Uzbekistan. Estimates of the Caspian Sea region's proven crude oil reserves vary widely by source. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has estimated proven oil reserves in the region to be in the range of 17-33 billion barrels, which is comparable to OPEC member Qatar on the low end and the United States on the high end. In 2003, regional oil production reached roughly 1.5-1.7 million b/d, comparable to annual production from South America's second largest oil producer, Brazil. By 2010, EIA analysts expect the countries of the Caspian Sea Region to produce between 2.4 and 5.9 million b/d, which would exceed annual production from South America's largest oil producer, Venezuela.
机译:里海地区是一个非常重要的焦点未开发的石油和天然气资源。在2005年下半年,石油的里海南部部分计划通过一条新管道注入(由由bp领导的企业联合体)的土耳其海港锡兰。能源、生产水平预计将达到2015年四百万桶。地区包括大海本身和部分几个国家组成它的海岸:哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、阿塞拜疆、伊朗和土库曼斯坦。视为包含整个高加索地区,包括伊朗和乌兹别克斯坦的大部分地区。估计里海地区的证实原油储备来源差别很大。能源信息管理局(EIA)估计该地区已探明石油储量在17-33十亿桶的范围在低端与卡塔尔石油输出国组织成员和美国在高端。地区石油生产达到大约1.5 - -1.7百万桶,相当于年生产南美第二大石油生产国,巴西。里海地区国家生产2.4和590万桶之间超过年产量从南美的最大的石油生产国,委内瑞拉。



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