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Everyday misadventures of the Everyman of interpretation


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Sam left home late that morning, and, as a consequence, had to endure unexpectedly heavy traffic on his way to the office. Arriving almost an hour later than usual, he made several circuits through the parking garage before he found a place on the level just below the roof into which he could squeeze his car. In a way, Sam was glad he was late, because at this time of day he was spared having to compete with other employees for one of the choice parking spaces on the lower floors of the garage. Property management had recently restriped the garage, and this measure purportedly had alleviated the daily congestion and overflowing of the garage; however, like most short-term solutions to long-term problems, this had only substituted one problem for another. Sam had noticed that the new parking spaces were so narrow that any vehicle larger than a Toyota Camry could barely fit between the lines—needless to say, this challenged the pilots of SUVs and pickup trucks to attempt extraordinary feats of skill in maneuvering these much larger vehicles into the ever-shrinking spaces.



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