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We are a profession that makes a difference


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As we celebrate our 100th year, it seems fitting to talk about beginnings as well as the foundations of our success as a profession. We are on the leading edge. We are the first global and international information profession. We are here at the beginning of what is clearly the foundation of a new information and knowledge-based economy. That's exciting! We are also challenged by birthing pains—massive disruptions in the global economy, the employment situation, restructuring and political changes.It's truly an interesting time. In my e-mail inbox, I get reminders from members who think I haven't noticed that the economy is souring. (Thanks, I have noticed.) I just don't see the benefit of dwelling on it as a problem. I prefer to find solutions and I'm proud of the actions the SLA board has taken. I won't list them here but there are dozens.
机译:当我们庆祝我们的第100年时,谈论开始以及我们作为职业成功的基础似乎很合适。 我们处于领先地位。 我们是第一个全球和国际信息界。 我们正处于显然是新信息和基于知识的经济的基础之初。 真令人兴奋! 我们还受到分娩痛苦的挑战 - 全球经济中的破坏,就业状况,重组和政治变化。这确实是一个有趣的时期。 在我的电子邮件收件箱中,我得到了成员的提醒,这些成员认为我没有注意到经济很酸。 (谢谢,我注意到。)我只是看不到居住在它上的好处。 我更喜欢找到解决方案,我为SLA董事会采取的行动感到自豪。 我不会在这里列出它们,但是有数十个。



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