首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Sensorimotor gating and memory deficits in an APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

Sensorimotor gating and memory deficits in an APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

机译:APP / PS1双转基因阿尔茨海默氏病小鼠模型中的感觉运动门控和记忆缺陷

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with cognitive deterioration and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Sensorimotor gating deficit has been identified in neuropsychiatric diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible sensorimotor gating deficit and its correlation to memory impairment and cerebral β-amyloid (Aβ) plaque deposits in an amyloid precursor protein (APP)/presenilin-1 (PS1) double transgenic mouse model of AD. The sensorimotor gating in 3-, 7- and-22-month-old non-transgenic and transgenic mice was evaluated in a prepulse inhibition (PPI) task. Results revealed that the PPI was lower in the 7- and 22-month-old transgenic mice compared with the age-matched control, while the response to startle pulse-alone in the transgenic and non-transgenic mice was comparable. Congo red staining showed that Aβ neuropathology of transgenic mice aggravated with age, and the 3-month-old transgenic mice started to have minimum brain Aβ plaques, corresponding to the early stage of AD phenotype. Furthermore, memory impairment in the 7-month-old transgenic mice was detected in a water maze test. These results suggest that the sensorimotor gating is impaired with the progressing of AD phenotype, and its deficit may be correlated to cerebral Aβ neuropathology and memory impairment in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of AD.
机译:阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)是与认知能力下降和神经精神症状相关的神经退行性疾病。在神经精神疾病中已经确定了感觉运动门控缺陷。本研究的目的是评估淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)/早老素-1(PS1)双转基因小鼠模型中可能的感觉运动门控缺陷及其与记忆障碍和脑β-淀粉样蛋白斑沉积的相关性。广告。在前脉冲抑制(PPI)任务中评估了3、7和22个月大的非转基因和转基因小鼠的感觉运动门控。结果显示,与年龄匹配的对照组相比,在7个月和22个月大的转基因小鼠中PPI较低,而在转基因和非转基因小鼠中仅对惊吓脉冲的反应是可比的。刚果红染色显示转基因小鼠的Aβ神经病理学随着年龄的增长而加重,并且3个月大的转基因小鼠开始具有最小的脑Aβ斑块,与AD表型的早期相对应。此外,在水迷宫测试中检测到7个月大的转基因小鼠的记忆障碍。这些结果表明,感觉运动门控与AD表型的进展有关,其缺陷可能与AD的APP / PS1转基因小鼠模型中的大脑Aβ神经病理学和记忆障碍有关。



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