首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Agri Bio Research >Study on the Kinetics and Causes of Fruit Drop in Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa)

Study on the Kinetics and Causes of Fruit Drop in Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa)

机译:Bael(Aegle marmelos Correa)落果的动力学和原因的研究

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The investigation was carried out to study the kinetics and causes of fruit drop in four varieties of Bael viz., Pant Aparna, Pant Shivani, Pant Sujata and Pant Urvashi. Fruit drop was recorded high in the month of July in all four varieties which continued till harvest. The fruit drop showed the second peak in the month of February. The average nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents of leaves were 0.88-0.98, 0.29-0.35, 1.02-1.19, 1.29-1.82 and 0.34-0.42%, respectively. The range of zinc, copper, iron, manganese and boron content of leaves was 37.36-33.05, 26.12-21.03, 146.17-136.96, 201.69-163.93 and 20.02-23.51 ppm, respectively. It was observed that fruit drop in Bael occurred due to embryo abortion, physiological imbalances, fruit borer attack, fruit rotting and fruit cracking. Maximum fruit drop and cracking were recorded in Pant Sujata. The maximum yield was observed with Pant Shivani.
机译:进行了调查以研究Bael的四个变种,即Pant Aparna,Pant Shivani,Pant Sujata和Pant Urvashi的动力学和果落原因。在所有四个品种中,直到收获期,7月份的水果产量都创下了新高。水果下降显示2月的第二个高峰。叶片的平均氮,磷,钾,钙和镁含量分别为0.88-0.98、0.29-0.35、1.02-1.19、1.29-1.82和0.34-0.42%。叶片中锌,铜,铁,锰和硼的含量范围分别为37.36-33.05、26.12-21.03、146.17-136.96、201.69-163.93和20.02-23.51 ppm。据观察,Bael的果实掉落是由于胚胎流产,生理失衡,蛀虫发作,果实腐烂和破裂造成的。在Pant Sujata中记录到最大的水果落落和破裂。用Pant Shivani观察到最大产量。



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