首页> 外文期刊>Appaloosa Journal >Appaloosas lose an AMBASSADOR: Sir Wrangler passed away in early March 2006, but not before introducing thousands of people to the color and diversity of Appaloosas

Appaloosas lose an AMBASSADOR: Sir Wrangler passed away in early March 2006, but not before introducing thousands of people to the color and diversity of Appaloosas


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If ever a horse was a true ambassador for the Appaloosa breed, it was Sir Wrangler. Prior to his death at the age of 29 on March 13, 2006, Sir Wrangler promoted Appaloosas in the show ring, as a sire and even as a Breyer model. He was inducted into the Appaloosa Hall of Fame in 2000—the crowning achievement in a lifetime of accolades. Bred by Jess and Carolyn Moreno, Sir Wrangler began his halter career as a weanling. With Jess at the lead, Sir Wrangler, a 1977 son of Prince's Wrangler and Royal Ann, earned a Canadian National Championship before he was old enough to ride. He appeared to be on his way to a noteworthy career with Jess until fate intervened in the form of Joe and Jan Bard of Maple Valley, Washington.
机译:如果说一匹马是阿帕卢萨犬真正的大使,那就是牧马人爵士。在2006年3月13日去世,享年29岁之前,Wrangler爵士曾在表演圈中推广Appaloosas,作为父亲,甚至是Breyer模特。他于2000年入选阿帕卢萨名人堂,这是他一生获得的最高成就。牧马人爵士由杰西(Jess)和卡罗琳(Carolyn Moreno)育成,开始了他的断奶仔猪职业。 1977年,王子牧马人和皇家安妮的儿子牧马人爵士(Sir Wrangler)在杰西(Jess)的带领下,赢得了加拿大全国冠军,直到他年纪大到可以骑车为止。直到命运介入乔普和华盛顿枫树谷的简·巴德(Jan Bard)的形式,他似乎才在杰斯(Jess)的职业生涯中步履维艰。



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