首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Sports Medicine >Single- versus double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: effects of femoral tunnel separation.

Single- versus double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: effects of femoral tunnel separation.


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BACKGROUND: Double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions are performed to more closely replicate the anatomy of the native posterior cruciate ligament and to better restore normal knee biomechanics and kinematics than a single graft. The femoral tunnel for the anterolateral graft is normally located near the anterior margin of the posterior cruciate ligament footprint. However, there is considerable variability with regard to placement of the posteromedial tunnel within the footprint margins. HYPOTHESIS: A double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction will better replicate normal knee biomechanics and kinematics than a single anterolateral graft, and the separation distance between femoral tunnels will significantly affect the recorded measurements. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. METHODS: The posterior cruciate ligament's femoral origin was mechanically isolated using a cylindrical coring cutter, and a cap of bone containing the ligament fibers was attached to a load cell that recorded resultant force in the posterior cruciate ligament as the knee was loaded. Cast acrylic replicas of the femoral bone cap, with 9-mm and 6-mm holes for the anterolateral and posteromedial grafts, respectively, were attached to the load cell. Graft isometries, anterior-posterior laxities, graft forces, and tibial rotations were measured for an anterolateral graft alone, and for anterolateral and posteromedial grafts with narrow (0-mm) and wide (3-mm) bridges between tunnels. RESULTS: Mean laxities with an anterolateral graft alone were within 1.2 mm of normal, between 0 degrees and 90 degrees; means with double-bundle grafts were 1.7 mm to 2.4 mm less than normal, between 10 degrees and 45 degrees. Relative length change of the anterolateral graft between 0 degrees and 90 degrees was within +1.3 mm, while the posteromedial graft, placed in either tunnel, tightened approximately 6 mm with knee extension from 90 degrees to 0 degrees. At 0 degrees, mean forces with a single anterolateral graft were not significantly different from posterior cruciate ligament forces for any loading mode tested; mean forces with double-bundle grafts were 74 N to 154 N higher than posterior cruciate ligament forces at 0 degrees . During passive knee extension, the double-bundle reconstruction externally rotated the tibia (relative to intact) between 0 degrees and 50 degrees. There were no significant differences in mean knee laxities, graft forces, or tibial rotations between narrow and wide tunnel separations. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the anterolateral graft, which experienced minimal length changes, the posteromedial graft tightened 3.1 mm to 4.3 mm from 30 degrees to 0 degrees. When the posteromedial graft was tensioned and fixed at 30 degrees, it developed relatively high graft forces as the knee was extended to 0 degrees ; this tended to reduce knee laxity and increase graft forces. With double-bundle grafts, tunnel separation distance was not an important variable with respect to the biomechanical and kinematic measurements recorded in this study. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The need for a posteromedial graft during posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is questioned, especially in view of the relatively high graft forces at full extension that could cause it to permanently elongate with time. If a double-bundle reconstruction is performed, there is no biomechanical advantage in making the bone bridge between tunnels less than 3 mm.
机译:背景:双束后十字韧带重建术可以更紧密地复制天然后十字韧带的解剖结构,并比单个移植物更好地恢复正常的膝关节生物力学和运动学。前外侧移植物的股骨隧道通常位于后十字韧带足迹的前缘附近。但是,后足迹隧道在足迹边缘内的放置存在很大的差异。假设:双束后十字韧带重建将比单个前外侧移植物更好地复制正常的膝关节生物力学和运动学,股骨隧道之间的分隔距离将显着影响所记录的测量结果。研究设计:受控实验室研究。方法:使用圆柱型取芯钳机械分离后交叉韧带的股骨来源,将包含韧带纤维的骨帽连接到称重传感器上,该传感器记录了膝关节加载时后交叉韧带的合力。股骨骨帽的丙烯酸浇铸仿品分别与称重传感器相连,该假体具有分别用于前外侧和后内侧移植物的9毫米和6毫米孔。仅对前外侧移植物,以及在隧道之间具有狭窄(0毫米)和宽(3毫米)桥的前外侧和后内侧移植物,测量了移植物的对称性,前后松驰度,移植物力和胫骨旋转。结果:仅前外侧移植物的平均松弛度在正常值的1.2毫米以内,在0度至90度之间。表示双束移植物比正常情况小1.7毫米至2.4毫米,介于10度至45度之间。前外侧移植物在0度到90度之间的相对长度变化在+1.3 mm之内,而放置在任一隧道中的后内侧移植物在膝盖延伸从90度到0度的情况下收紧大约6 mm。在0度时,对于任何测试的加载模式,单个前外侧移植物的平均力与后十字韧带力均无显着差异。在0度时,双束移植物的平均力比后十字韧带力高74 N至154N。在被动膝盖伸展过程中,双束重建从外部将胫骨旋转(相对于完整)在0度至50度之间。在狭窄和较宽的隧道间隔之间,平均膝关节松弛度,移植力或胫骨旋转度无显着差异。结论:与前外侧移植物的长度变化最小相比,后内侧移植物从30度至0度将3.1 mm紧固至4.3 mm。当后内侧移植物张紧并固定在30度时,当膝盖延伸至0度时,它会产生相对较高的移植力。这往往会减少膝关节松弛并增加移植力。对于双束移植物,就本研究中记录的生物力学和运动学测量而言,隧道间隔距离不是重要的变量。临床意义:在后十字韧带重建过程中是否需要后内侧移植物,尤其是鉴于在完全伸展时相对较高的移植物力可能导致其随着时间永久性伸长而受到质疑。如果进行双束重建,则使隧道之间的骨桥小于3 mm没有生物力学优势。



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