
In the Mirror


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I was drawn to emergency medicine during my third year of medical school. On the final days of the clerkship, the overhead announced a child in a motor vehicle collision. I scrambled to the resuscitation bay to find the entire department, gowned in blue, awaiting the patient's arrival. I changed into blue too, thinking my limited abilities of history taking might help the situation. I stood in the back, guarding the outer sanctum of the resuscitation bay from prying eyes. The bay doors swung open and a pulseless 7-year-old boy was wheeled in. The resident shouted physical exam findings while nurses delivered a barrage of medications. After several unsuccessful defibrilla-tions, an ultrasound showed a flickering, weak heart—one that ultimately stopped beating. The team worked together seamlessly like a well-oiled machine, unwavering in their attempts to resuscitate the victim.
机译:我在医学院的三年级被吸引了急诊医学。 在牧师的最后几天,间接费用宣布了一个在机动车碰撞的孩子。 我爬上复苏湾,找到整个部门,穿着蓝色,等待患者的到来。 我也改变了蓝色,认为我的历史记录能力有限可能有助于这种情况。 我站在后面,免受撬开眼睛的外壳的守卫外壳。 海湾的门打开,一个无脉冲的7岁男孩被带进去。居民大喊身体检查结果,而护士则进行了大量药物治疗。 经过几次不成功的除草性,超声波表现出闪烁,弱的心脏 - 最终停止了跳动。 团队像一台油腻的机器一样无缝地合作,他们坚定地试图使受害者恢复。



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