
Sustainable health


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Climate change continues to be at the forefront of the news agenda so this podcast takes a timely lookatthe environment. Amongthe interviewees is Gillian Leng, deputy chief executive and director of health and social care atthe National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). She wonders if we should be doing more to evaluate the impact that treatments have on the planet: "What we haven't got at the moment is a really good way of measuring the environmental impact of drugs and Pharmaceuticals, which would let us draw comparisons. I'd really like to be able to encourage the industry to start recording that and perhaps at some point in the future NICE could build it into our appraisal. Whether [a treatment's] impact on the environment would ever override the benefits to patients is debatable, but it might be one of the factors that makes clinicians choose one thing over another."
机译:气候变化继续处于新闻议程的最前沿,因此该播客及时地展现了环境。 在受访者中,美国国家健康与护理研究所(NICE)的副首席执行官兼健康与社会护理总监Gillian Leng(尼斯)。 她想知道我们是否应该做更多的事情来评估治疗对地球的影响:“目前我们还没有得到的是衡量药物和药品的环境影响的一种非常好的方法,这将使我们能够进行比较 。我真的很想鼓励行业开始记录这一点,也许将来的某个时候可以将其纳入我们的评估中。[治疗]对环境的影响是否会超越患者的好处 有争议的,但这可能是使临床医生选择一件事而不是另一件事的因素之一。”



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