首页> 外文期刊>Anthropological science: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon >Neurocranial evolution in modern humans: The case of Jebel Irhoud 1

Neurocranial evolution in modern humans: The case of Jebel Irhoud 1

机译:现代人类的神经颅进化:Jebel Irhoud 1

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Jebel Irhoud 1 represents an almost complete cranium from the North African late Middle Pleistocene. Despite the good preservation of most of its anatomical regions, its phylogenetic position is still uncertain, particularly its relationship to the emergence of the modern human lineage. The present paper supplies a basic morphometric description and comparison of the endocast of Jebel Irhoud 1. The endocast's maximum width is large when compared with the hemispheric length, with values similar to those of Neandertals. Conversely, the frontal width is less pronounced, showing proportions compatible with modern and non-modern human taxa. The vertical proportions are similar to those displayed by Homo erectus, while the lateral proportions are comparable to Neandertals. Furthermore, the upper parietal areas show a certain parasagittal lateral bulging, as in European Neandertals. It remains to be established if this trait evolved independently in both the Neandertal and modern human lineages, or if it was already present in a common ancestor of these two groups. Given that Jebel Irhoud 1 in North Africa and Herto in East Africa have similar geological age, similar facial morphology, but different vault proportions, it seems likely that the origin of the modern human lineage may have predated the origin of many aspects of the modern human brain.
机译:Jebel Irhoud 1代表了北非晚期中更新世的几乎完整的颅骨。尽管大部分解剖区域都得到了很好的保存,但其系统发育位置仍然不确定,尤其是与现代人类谱系的出现之间的关系。本文提供了Jebel Irhoud 1内铸件的基本形态学描述和比较。与半球形长度相比,内铸件的最大宽度大,其值与尼安德特人的相似。相反,额叶宽度不太明显,显示出与现代和非现代人类类群相容的比例。垂直比例与直立人展示的相似,而水平比例与尼安德特人相似。此外,与欧洲尼安德特人一样,上顶叶区域显示出一定的矢状旁突。如果这一特征在尼安德特人和现代人类谱系中独立发展,或者已经存在于这两个族群的共同祖先中,则尚待确定。鉴于北非的Jebel Irhoud 1和东非的Herto具有相似的地质年龄,相似的面部形态,但拱顶比例不同,看来现代人类血统的起源可能早于现代人类许多方面的起源脑。



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